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We were children 

thrust into war

and once it ends

what will we become?

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Leather clad gang members were kicking and breaking everything within their reach. Up front: Sweet Pea. He was a raging ball of destruction, making his was through shattered glass and splintered wood. 

They had managed to get inside of the schoolbuilding, forcing locks and breaking windows to gain entrance. His knuckle duster ring felt cool against the heated skin of his fists. He barged in, fingers clenched around his knife. With a satisfying shatter, the glass of Riverdale High crunched beneath his boots. 

He let himself be consumed by the rage that was boiling in his veins. He forced the knife into a banner, shredding it to pieces as he passed it. The feeling of destruction triumphed through him. He hated this school. He hated the students. He hated the teachers. He hated the Northside.

His whole life these people had treated him and his family like outcasts, deprived them from any chances and forced them to live within the shadows. He turned around to observe the rampage he created. After all this time, with Jughead trying to take over his role as Serpent's leader, his people still listened to him when he asked them to avenge Fangs. 

His friend was fighting for his life and now Sweet Pea would do anything to feel anything but fear. 

"Serpents, stop!"

A clear voice echoed against the hallway. The Serpents behind him came to his side. It was an intimidating sight. Their weapons shimmered in whatever light came from outside, casting dark shadows where the flames of the fires did not reach. This didn't stop Archie Andrews and his stupid bravery. 

At the sight of the redhead, Sweet Pea was fuming. The memory of Fangs being shot was too fresh. And Andrews was partly responsible. 

"Come on, fellas. Looks like we've got some Bulldogs to put down," Sweet Pea breathed heavily. He didn't realise he was exhausted, as he stormed towards the guys dressed in varsity jackets. 

"Sweet Pea, I swear, Reggie didn't shoot Fangs. It was Mrs. Klump." Archie said, getting a tighter grip on the baseball bat in his hand. 

"I saw the gun." Sweet Pea thundered. He twisted the knife between his fingers, his nerves itching to stab something. 

"Then you also saw me tackle Reggie before he got a shot off. It was Midge's mom, she's down at the station." The words ran out of the redhead like a river. 

"Yeah?" Sweet Pea said, inching closer towards Archie. "And Fangs is still clinging to life. And whether it was Reggie or Mrs. Klump who pulled the trigger, a Northsider put him there. You took our friend. Our land. You'll take everything if we give you the chance." His mind was running through the things he wanted to say, things he wanted to do. Nothing would assure the gang member that his best friend would soon join them again. 

He decidedly reached for a trashcan. "Tonight, you'll get to watch as we burn your school to the ground." He threw the trashcan against the trophy display, breaking the glass in an instant. Although it fed the anger in his chest, it did not satisfy the Serpent. 

He looked back at the Bulldogs. They were preparing for a fight. Sweet Pea smirked. That was what he had wanted all along. Now was his time to repay Fangs. Even if it wasn't the true shooter, the blood of a few Bulldogs surely would ease the fear inside. He adjusted his grip on the knife. If a fight was what these Bulldogs wanted, a fight they were going to get.

But before anyone could even approach each other, the doors opened, letting a gush of fresh air wave inside. Principle Weatherbee entered, followed by a hoard of policemen. If it weren't for those men, then the baseball bat in his hand was enough of a threatening sight. 

"What are you boys doing to my school?" he barked. The policemen entered the building, surrounding the opposite sides and forcing them out. 

They were still shouting and cursing the police when Sweet Pea's name was called out. 

His eyes fixed on Nellie pushing herself through the raging mob of Southside Serpents. 

"What are you doing here?" Sweet Pea demanded, painfully snatching her wrist and pulling his girl away from the police officers. 

She pulled herself out of his grip. "Are you insane?" she breathed out. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was disheveled. He wondered how she got here, but it didn't matter. Right now, he needed her to get away from Riverdale High. His men were riled up, picking a fight with anyone who disagreed. The Northsiders would take advantage of that, luring them into fights and vandalism. 

"You need to go." Sweet Pea snapped, trying to reach for her. He needed to drop her off at the trailer until he got back. 

"Hell no!" Nellie shot back, taking a few steps out of his reach. She clenched her fists, trembling with rage. 

"You can't just go and destroy things, Sweet Pea!"

"They shot Fangs!"

"I know." Nellie's hard gaze grew softer for a second. "But this isn't going to make him recover any faster." She pointed at the damage around them. In the distance, the sound of breaking glass echoed through the streets. 

"You've created a riot. People are getting hurt. Is this going to help Fangs in any way?" she tried to reason with him. Her anger was easing as she saw the hurt in Sweet Pea's dark eyes. 

"They need to pay." Sweet Pea hissed. He dodged her hand as quickly as she'd dodged his. "If we don't stand up, these Northsiders will destroy us."

Nellie shook her head. A dark strand fell in front of her eyes but she didn't care to push it away. Sweet Pea fought the urge to do so. 

"You should go," he finally said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 

"I told you I'm not going anywhere." Nellie said, looking at him from underneath her dark eyelashes. 

"Not without you," she added, her clenched jaw slowly easing. "You've done enough for the night. You're tired, you're angry and scared " she said but Sweet Pea immediately cut her off, his hands wrapping around her arms. 

"I'm not scared." he hissed. His face was dangerously close. Earlier this night they'd passionately welcomed each other, now they were close enough to push each other away. His grip started hurting her, but Nellie didn't even flinch. "You are, and so am I." she admitted, trying to get to him. She needed to get him away from this mess. 

Sweet Pea frowned, softening his grip on her but never releasing her. "This is a fucking mess, Sweets. Can't we just escape it for now?" she begged. 

Sweet Pea's jaw tensed. "I'm the leader, I can't back out of a fight." he stepped back, taking Nellie's hand and dragging her towards his motorcycle. She was resisting but couldn't fight him. 

"You're not their leader, Sweets. F.P. is. And you know where he is now? He's at the hospital with Fangs. We can go together." she pleaded. 

"Look around you, Sweet Pea. Nothing good will come from this. We should do some damage control instead of causing even more trouble." 

Sweet Pea let the helmet between his hands drop. "You don't understand. I am protecting my family."

"The same family I am a part of now, Sweets. How are you protecting me if you're out here risking your life?" Nellie shouted pushing the helmet away from her. 

The tall Serpent ran a hand through his hair. He couldn't help his friends and his girl at the same time. "I'll drop you off at the Hospital. You can go and keep me updated on Fangs. I'm needed here, babe." 

Nellie was clearly not pleased with his decision. "You should listen to me, Sweets. I have a bad feeling about tonight." Finally, she took the helmet and shove it reluctantly over her head. 

At least she got her Serpent away from the battle field for now. But how long could she convince him to stay with her at the hospital? 

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