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There's nothing better to forget an awful day than having a drink with your friends. That is until other news makes the day even worse.

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Still a bit shaken from her run-in with Mr. Kowalski, Nellie returned to the laundry room to check out. It had been a long and tiring day but Sweet Pea's promise at least brought her something to look forward to. A night out to clear her mind was exactly what Nellie needed.

The pink haired girl waiting for her in the laundry room however, came as a surprise.

"Toni?" Nellie said, her hand freezing over the hoodie she was about to pull over her head.

The Serpent girl turned around with a bright smile on her face.

"Thank god, you're here. I was starting to worry that you had already left!" Toni let out in visible relief.

Nellie eyed the girl carefully. In her almost entire black outfit, the Serpent seemed so out of place in the pale green interior of the laundry room.

"What are you doing here?" she finally asked to which Toni kicked the sports bag that had been sitting next to her, in Nellie's direction.

"Well, you can't go the Wyrm dressed like that," Toni replied. Her pale brown eyes scanned over Nellie's wrinkled uniform.

"Is a pub full of gang members going to judge me?" Nellie retorted, picking up the bag and unzipping it either way.

"It's your night out," Toni replied, inching closer to help Nellie sort through the pieces of clothing she had brought. "You should treat it like one."

The Serpent held a dangerous smile as she picked out an outfit that showed a lot of skin. Nellie shook her head, a giggle barely passing through her pursed lips.

"I spilled something on that one," Toni pointed out to a shirt Nellie held up "but no worries, you can't see the stain in the Whyte Wyrm. It's quite dark inside."

"Thank you," Nellie suddenly said placing the top back onto the bag. "It really means a lot to me that you're doing this." She gave the Serpent a shy smile.

"No problem, a girl's got to help a girl out, am I right?" The Serpent wiped away her gratitude with a simple smirk.

"Now, you're a bit taller than I am, so perhaps no trousers of mine? Here, this will look great on you!" Toni said, shoving a simple black T-shirt dress in Nellie's arms.

Nellie turned around and started getting out of her uniform. She heard Toni's cough but ignored it, not seeing a problem with changing in front of the girl. In P.E. she had done so multiple times and even in this very room she had often changed with the other housemaids. Pulling the dress over her simple black underwear, she straightened the folds until it fitted neatly against her figure.

"Amazing," Toni gasped, letting her eyes roam over Nellie's figure. "You look great," she continued "However, a Serpent is nothing without his flanel," Toni said and picked up a simple red flannel shirt. The girl bend over to Nellie and tied it firmly around her waist.

"Now, put your sneakers on and we're off," Toni said, pointing at Nellie's shoes she had brought along.

After shoving her uniform in one of the laundry baskets and grabbing her sweater, Nellie followed the pink haired girl outside.

The girl strutted towards a small black motorcycle. There was barely enough room for the two of them.

"Don't worry," Toni said as she eyed Nellie's reaction "It's not for long. Here," she shove a helmet in Nellie's arms. As she rose it to her head, the smell of Sweet Pea's cheap shampoo immediately told her it was his helmet. Not wanting to think more of it, Nellie shove it over her short black hair and scooted as close as possible to the female Serpent.

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