Chapter 1

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 June 15, 2008

   "I can't believe we did it!" I yelled as I ran up to my best friend Jade and my cousin De'Asia.

We thought we would never see the day we finally graduate high-school. I mean, we smart and all so it was a breeze but the people that went to the school really grind our gears. It was a private school with a lot of stuck up people that acted like they shiznyee didn't stink. To make matters worse there were absolutely no fine boys at all. Me, Jade and De'Asia were also the only 'thick' females in the school which caused a lot of the boys to look down on us. I kept my mind focused on graduating and gave zero fucks about them stuck up kids at BC Morgan High School.

   "Malani, if it wasn't for you I would have been gave up." Jade cried on my shoulder.

   "Suck them damn tears up because it's graduation night and I'm trying to turn all the way up." De'Asia said while booty popping in the parking lot.

   "Stop being fast before I whoop yo' ass." Aunt Leslie, De'Asia's mom, said while pinching De'Asia on the arm.

   "Ma stop, I'm grown now." De'Asia said rubbing the spot her mom pinched. My eyes grew wide because De'Asia was about to really get that ass whooping now. Everyone know that Aunt Leslie didn't like disrespect.

   "You lucky it's your graduation day because I saw yo' life flash before my eyes. I'll talk to you later on at home about that mouth of yours." Aunt Leslie said then walked away like the boss chick she was.

   "Man she irks my nerves!" De'Asia said loud enough for Aunt Leslie to turn back around and charge towards her. Aunt Leslie was two steps away when my Uncle David grabbed her by the arm.

   "Not here Les." He said through clenched teeth.

   "Of course not here. I just wanted to tell her that I was tagging that ass as soon as she gets home." Aunt Leslie said then flipped her hair.

   "You not laying a damn finger on me old hag." De'Asia said and rolled her eyes. She was really testing the water now.

The only thing I could do was send a quick prayer up for her. Lord I know she deserve an ass whooping but hopefully not one that kill her because she too young for all that.

   "You know what little girl, I'm not even about to entertain that because you only want attention and you're not about to receive it from me. David handle my light work." Aunt Leslie said then went to her car and sped off.

   "Well that was eventful." My mother said trying to ease the tension.

   "Bro, do you need a ride home?" My dad asked Uncle David.

   "Yeah and De'Asia, we are having a long talk once you get home. Disrespecting your mother like that in public. You should be ashamed of yourself." Uncle David said while De'Asia only rolled her eyes. What the hell gotten into her since this morning?

   "See you at home honey, have fun tonight and be safe." My dad said walking off while my mom gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek then walked away.

   "Y'all ready to go to the mall now?" Jade asked impatiently.

   "Yeah." Me and De'Asia said while I grabbed my keys out of my purse.

We hopped into my car just as my favorite song, Spotlight by Jennifer Hudson came on. I turned it all the way up and Jade joined me singing. I had one hand on the steering wheel while dancing in my seat.

   "I don't understand how y'all listen to this kind of music." De'Asia said looking through her phone. She was starting to irritate the hell out of me now.

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