Chapter 25

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A/N: A chapter I deleted but am now reposting because it moves the story forward. Also added more details and two more POVs.

~*Leslie Pov*~

I sat in my back yard enjoying the sun. I was loving how my life turned around. I divorced David, got the house along with a heap of money and I left Angela crazy ass alone. She kept pestering me about how half the money is hers because she let me sleep with Chris.

I never asked her to give her husband to me. She offered him to me so that we could keep the little game going. I was fed up with her ways because I never wanted it that bad. One thing I will say is that I loved being single and rich.

I closed my eyes and thought about De'Asia. I haven't seen her since she went to college. We talk on the phone but I miss my child and want to meet this Lucifer guy she always talking about. The last time we talked she said she had to tell me something but that she will wait until later on.

Ding Dong

I got out my hammock and made my way to the patio door. I quickly walked through the house and swung open the front door. When I saw who was there I instantly cursed myself for not asking who it was. I tried closing the door but she pushed her way in.

"Well hello Les. Long time no see huh?" She asked while walking into my living room like I invited her in.

When she went to go sit on the couch, I pulled a switch blade out my table draw that was next to the door. I put it in my back pocket then stood in front of her.

"Ang I don't appreciate you just barging in my house uninvited." I said tapping my foot on the floor.

"Oh girl please. I only came to talk to you since we haven't seen each other in a while. The last time we talked was when your divorce was finalized and you got that first check. What it been? Almost eight months now?" She asked.

I nodded and looked away. If looks could kill then I would be six feet under because she was livid.

"So Valentine's Day is next week. You got a new man already?" She asked looking at a picture of me and my new boo Mark.

"No because we are just friends."

"Remember that night we made love." She asked walking towards me.

"I'm not gay and we didn't make love. I was mad at David and I didn't have no one else to turn too."

"Sureee, whatever you say Les."

"Oh and can you please tell Chris to leave me alone. I'm tired of tellin' him I got a boo now." I said crossing my arms across my chest because she was getting closer.

"Wait, you still fuckin' my husband? Bitch that was over when you decided to run with my money."

"Well tell Chris that. He don't understand the word no. Plus that's my money not yours!"

Next thing I know I felt a stinging burn on my cheek. I looked at Ang and she was smiling. I punched her in her face and she fell on the ground. I hopped on top of her and start beating her face in.

"This is for when you made me get married to David. This is for when you made me sleep with Chris. This is for when you made me have De'Asia and give you the child support checks. This is for when you made me sleep with you. This is for when you made me leave my parents that loved me. My life is fucked up because of you! Bitch I ain't got friends!" I said while rearranging her face.

I didn't stop until I saw her no longer moving. I stood up and wiped my hands on my shorts. I looked at Ang and kicked her. I walked away and went to my room. I'll get rid of the body later.

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