Chapter 14

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~*Malani Pov*~

I can't believe De'Asia got shot. How do I tell my aunt, uncle and parents that De'Asia got shot? I was suppose to be watching over her and Jade. I feel like such a failure to my responsibilities. Wait, why am I beating myself up when it's not my fault?

I got out of my chair and ran up on Lu throwing punches. He is the cause for all of the shit we been going through lately.

   "What the hell!" He said trying to block my punches.

   "It's all yo fault! If you wasn't living the life you living than she wouldn't be in the hospital!" I said busting his lip.

I felt Zay grabbing my arm but I shook him off and continued whooping Lu ass. Zay finally picked me up and took me outside while I was kicking and screaming. As soon as I felt the ground I tried to run back into the waiting room only for Zay to step in front of me and pick me up.

   "Zay let me go!" I said beating on his chest.

I fought and fought my little heart out but Zay only wrapped his arms around me. When I felt such a tight embrace I dropped down to my knees letting Zay rock me back and forth.   

"Shhh, Lani its okay." He said rubbing my back.

   "That's my cousin in there Zayyyy." I said crying harder than before.

How could I be calm and think everything is just peachy when my cousin could be on her death bed right now? Yeah De'Asia was a little hot head and can make you mad but she was also caring and considerate. She damn near a sister to me and I don't know what I would do if she didn't come out of the hospital alive.  

It took Zay 30 minutes to calm me down before we made our way back to the waiting room. I sat far away from Lu as possible so that I didn't get up and whoop his ass again. I will never forgive him for getting my cousin shot.

~*Lucifer Pov*~

I cried to myself with my head in my hands. De didn't deserve to get shot. That bullet was suppose to be for me not her. I should have been watching my back and protecting my girl at all times. I don't blame Lani for blaming me because its true. If I wasn't a drug lord than De'Asia wouldn't be here now.

I wiped my eyes and stood up. I looked Zay in his eyes to tell him to stay posted and that I'll be back soon.

I walked up to the front desk and asked them where the little chapel was at. Once I got directions I made my way there five minutes later. I walked in and it was empty which was perfect for me because I was about to let it all out.

   "First of all, you took my father away from me and that just about killed me but I kept my mouth shut and I let that slide." I said walking closer to the statue.

   "I've done some bad things to a lot of people for a lot less and I been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. I've been trying to change, I promise I have so can't you see that? Oh my bad, of course you can. You see everything right? So what's the problem?! What do you want from me?!" I shouted with tears running down my face. I quickly wiped them away and took a deep breath.

   "I know I haven't made you proud but how could I with all of the mess I got going on? What happened to all of the things I've heard about? Grace, forgiveness and mercy? Where was the mercy for my dad? Now you want to take De'Asia from me?! I ain't gon let it happen patnah. If anybody need to pay for they sins, let it be me. Please leave everybody out of it. Just take me! I'm ready for whatever you got coming!" I said hitting my chest and dropping to my knees as the tears kept falling.

   "But please, don't take De'Asia from me. I'm begging you. Tell me what you need me to do to spare her life. I'm sorry for yelling at you in your house but you got to know this is rough on me. Just let me know what I got to do to make this right and I'll do it. I surrender Lord, I surrender." I said throwing my hands up.

~*Jade Pov*~

Everyone was going bat shit crazy about this whole situation instead of just praying about it. I feel bad that this had to happen but its obviously work of the devil since it happened on Halloween night. No one deserve to get shot but it happened and we can't go back in time now. I just hope and pray that De'Asia be alright. Me and her had our differences but we worked through it and she is like a sister to me now.

   "Family of De'Asia James?" A pudgy bald white man asked with a clip board in his hand.

Just then Lu was walking up from wherever he just was at as we all stood before the man with crossed fingers. He had a blank expression and I didn't know what to think.

   "Is she alive? Is she okay?" Lu asked rubbing his hand over his waves.

   "She is just fine but it was a close call. She was shot in her shoulder and it just missed her important femoral artery. If the bullet would have hit it she would have been dead in a matter of minutes." He said in all honesty.

I silently thanked the lord for sparing her life because this is really a wake up call.

   "Can we see her?" Lani asked while holding onto Zay for dear life.

   "Since it is two in the morning you have to come back in the morning because visiting hours are over."

   "Okay doc and thank you for all you have done." Lu said shaking his hand and giving him a manly hug.

We all walked out of the hospital in our own thoughts. I don't know about the others but I feel as though I need to prasie the Lord more often and start going to church because I think this is one of many bad situations to come.

A/N: Sooo tell me what cha think! It was kind of short but I needed to let y'all know that De'Asia was fine.

That talk that Lu had with God was something serious huh?

Jade getting paranoid or is this the beginning of some serious shit?

Vote, comment, and enjoy!  

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