Chapter 13

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~*Leslie Pov*~

So tonight is Halloween and I can't wait for the games to begin. I love Halloween because its the best day ever. I know I sound like a child but I just love the pranks and candy. This year I am going to be Snow White because I can.

   "Leslie you suppose to be 4 months but I don't even see a small baby bump." Angela said lifting my shirt up but I slapped her hand away.

   "I had a miscarriage." I said shrugging my shoulders.

When did it happen? The day I went to go get the last of my things from the house a month ago. I was finally through with my wack ass marriage and I was moving out.

I thought David was at work but as soon as I opened the door he was right there smiling. He said I was cheating on him and all that nonsense but I wasn't trying to hear that so I slapped him. He slapped me back and we got to fist fighting.

Long story short, he whopped my ass and I lost the baby since I was just a week away from my third month. I mean he beat me so bad that I was in the hospital for three days. I had him arrested and pressed charges right along with a divorce.

David got out of jail the next day and was being petty by not signing the paperwork because he know his ass is grass. We don't have a prenuptial agreement. I can't wait to take him to court and empty his pockets. I just wish I didn't lose the baby because I could have gotten child support too.

   "Why didn't you tell me Les? How we suppose to finish the plan now?" She asked me while stomping around our shared apartment.

See Angela had this grand idea that we divorce our husbands and take all their money. Once we got the money then we flee to Costa Rica and just live life as single rich women. The idea was good when we were teenagers but we grown now and shouldn't be plotting and planning. I would love to be rich and live life stress free but I'm having second thoughts now.

   "I didn't want to be pregnant no how. I love my body just the way it is."

   "You a stupid ass bitch you know that right? We suppose to be getting this money then bouncing. You want to take yo time when all of this could have been done years ago." She said pointing her finger in my face. I slapped her hand away and walked away.

Angela made me turn into something I'm not and I'm ready to walk away from everything. If this is what it take to be rich and happy then I don't want it.

~*David Pov*~

I can't believe Les will do some shit like this to me. She cheat on me and then get rid of my child? She claim I caused her miscarriage but I barely touched her. I slapped her after she slapped me but that was all. I couldn't stand to look at her and I left the house.

I come back to the house after getting drunk at the bar and I see the police sitting in my yard. I couldn't even step foot on my property before the cuffs were on me and they were reading me my rights.

I sat in that jail cell all night until Chris came and bailed me out. As soon as I got home I was getting served divorce papers.

Leslie is making my life a living hell but best believe I'm taking her to court. I want a divorce too but I need Mike to finish his job. I'll be damned if she get my money when she was the one to commit adultery.

~*Angela Pov*~

I ask Leslie to do one thing and she mess it up. Yeah I'm wrong for marrying only for money but this is my life and I can do whatever I want.

I didn't have the best life growing up. My mama killed herself when I was 13 so I had to make a way for myself. I was a homie hopper and getting paid until I got arrested for attempted murder.

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