Chapter 29

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~*Angela Pov*~

I been torturing Chris for about eight days now and I was ready to end it all.

   "Ya know Chris. I never really wanted to hurt you. After I killed Les I thought about keeping you alive but I realized that you would only sell me out." I said walking around his chair while rubbing his head.

We haven't left the basement and he never will. After I'm done with him I'm suppose to go see Lani then flee.

   "Mmmmmm mmm mmmm mm." Chris mumbled.

   "I can't hear boo. I guess sewing yo' mouth shut really worked. I also loved the way fried dick taste so I guess I got a new treat now. I always could eat elephant ears and pig ears but yo' left ear taste better than both combined. I feel sorry that you lost all yo' limbs. I mean you can't walk or pick things up. I honestly don't know how you still alive." I said laughing in his face.

I walked around him two more times then stood in front of him. I pulled a butcher knife from behind my back and held it up to the light. I smiled then looked at him. I twirled the knife on my index finger then I tossed it in the air. When I caught it I stabbed Chris in his chest.

I watched as Chris looked at me with fearful eyes. I drove the knife deeper and did a 360 with it. I pulled it out and then licked the knife clean.

   "I love the way yo' heart taste on my tongue." I said then dropped the knife.

He was dead but I still pulled out my gun and emptied not one but two clips into him. I loved seeing his body shake and the smoke rise in the air. I took out my pocket knife and dropped to my knees. On his bare chest I inscribed three numbers, 666, just like I did to Alana, Trent, Mama Lewis and Les. It was like my signature thing that I had to leave behind.

I got up and made my way up stairs. I got in the shower, got dressed and made my way to the airport by cab. I boarded my rightful plane and sat back as the plane took off.

I had no remorse for what I did. I loved killing and the joy it gave me. I felt free and alive when I took someone else life. I felt almighty like I held everyone soul in my palm.

This was life for me and nobody could change that.

~*Mama Lynn*~

I held Alaya close to me as Lu helped Layla in the car.

She really almost took her life. If Lu ain't hear her body hit the floor then she wouldn't be alive right now. I felt as though everything was my fault because it was. I should've took YaYa with me instead of trusting Layla to watch her. Layla tried to take not one but two lives and it was all my fault.

   "Get in the car mama." Lu said gently pushing me into the back seat.

I put Alaya in her car seat as Lu closed my door and then got in the driver seat.

Layla was suffering from postpartum and couldn't handle taking care of Alaya. After she tried to take Alaya life she felt guilty and believed that the only way to make things right was to take her own. They had to observe her for a week in the hospital before they released her today.

   "It's not your fault mama." Lu said.

I didn't want to hear all that. It was my fault. I should've made her give Alaya up or I should've taken her to the store with me. I should've known better to think Layla could do this by herself. I should've just stayed at home with the both of them.

   "It is my fault."

   "How ma?" Lu asked looking at me through the rear view mirror.

   "Me and Sheena should've been back home. It only took an hour for us to get the groceries."

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