Chapter 11

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~*Jade Pov*~

I'm loving FSU so far. I made a few new friends and all of my teachers are pretty nice. We been in school for a month now because today is October eight and I'm so anxious for Mrs. Norton to dismiss us. As soon as I get out of school I'm suppose to pick Sheena up from the airport so Mrs. Norton need to hurry up.

   "So class there will be a big assessment later on this week and I suggest y'all be prepared for whatever is thrown your way. I will not tell you what it is on or what it will cover but it is challenging. You are now dismissed." She said with a clap of the hands and a spin.

As I was packing my things up I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and looked into the eyes of a tall dark skin chick. She was okay looking or whatever. She was smiling and her eyes was wide. I mean I was kind of scared for my life right about now. I kept eye contact with her as I put my things in my cross body bag and put it on. The fact that she still was right here and not saying anything was enough to make my heart beat faster.

   "Is there something I can do for you?" I asked since she wasn't speaking.

   "Sorry about that but I'm Shacora Jones and I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime?" She asked and I got even more scared because I saw lust in her eyes and she was biting her lip.

   "Imma tell you this right now, I'm not a lesbian."

   "Who said I was trying to get with you? Yeah you are sexy ass hell with a fat ass but I only want to be friends." She said.

I couldn't believe what I just heard so I just pushed past her and started walking to the student parking lot. She was rubbing me the wrong way and I wanted to get far away from her. I made it to my car and got in. Just as I was about to close my door, I saw a hand stop it from closing. I looked up and Shacora was right there smirking. 

   "Why you tryin' to run from me ma? You have no reason to be scared. Like I said earlier, I just want to be friends and nothing more. I will flirt with you and throw compliments here and there but that's just me. What I'm trying to say is that I'm new to Florida and when I try to make friends, everyone run from me." She said moving her hand then looking at the ground.

I don't know why but the last part really tugged at my heartstrings and I felt so bad. Here this girl is just trying to make friends and everyone keep running. Yeah she approach people the wrong way but that's just her.

   "Get in." I said finally closing my door and putting the key in the ignition.

   "Huh what? Aren't you just going to run like the others and not speak to me?" She asked with a tear running down her cheek.

   "Just get in if you want a new friend. You can hang with me and my friend Sheena today. I'm going to pick her up from the airport right now and then we can go from there." I said starting the car.

Shacora hopped in the passenger seat and put her seat belt on just as I was. I turned the radio up and put my shades on since the sun was shinning bright today.

As soon as I pulled up I saw Sheena standing in the waiting area with six big suitcases. I parked in front of her and hopped out.

   "Well if it isn't Sheena the diva. Why you got so many bags?" I asked with my hand on my hip.

   "I'm moving down here!" She said jumping up and down then she hugged me.

It took me a minute to register what she just said. What she need to move down here for? Before she even booked her flight, shouldn't she have told me she was moving down here? How many times we talk on the phone and she ain't tell me? I had so many questions but right now wasn't the appropriate time to ask.

   "I'm so happy for you Sheena. I need to have a long talk with you later on but right now lets get yo bags in the car."

Three of Sheena bags could fit in the trunk and the other three had to go in the back seat with Shacora. I felt as though it would've been wrong for my real friend to sit in the back all cramped when my new 'friend' should be back there. Shacora was skinny any way while Sheena was thicker like me.

   "So Shacora, where you from?" Sheena asked trying to make conversation.  I just kept my eyes on the speed limit and on the road because I know this is about to turn into an interrogation.
   "I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin."

   "Wisconsin? The cheese state? Ain't it a whole bunch of white folks up there?"

   "Yes Wisconsin the cheese state but it's not that bad. I mean niggas rob and kill. The females are nasty and wild. Everybody in everybody else business. People depend on them monthly checks instead of getting off their ass and the children are just as worse."

And she talking about it ain't that bad. I mean she just shut her hometown down and she basically don't give a fuck. I wanted to travel when I got out of college but I think I might just skip Milwaukee if it's that bad.

   "Moving on. How old are you?" Sheena asked while putting her feet out the window.

I know she older than me but that didn't stop me from hitting her upside her head. Putting yo feet out the window is just ratchet and I don't like when people do that. Sheena mugged me then put her feet on the dash board. I let that slide since they ain't hanging out the window.

   "I will be 21 on the 30th."

   "Ain't you a freshman though?" I asked finally getting in the convo.

   "Yeah. I graduated high school a year early and I wanted to just take a break. I took a two and a half year break when I finally decided to attend college. Plus I needed to get away from wack ass Milwaukee because there was no support and everybody was hating on how smart I was." Shacora said and I think I heard sadness in her voice.

   "Well you got support now so don't worry about what anyone else have to say." I said looking at her through the rear view mirror. 

I'm gon' try to give Shacora a chance but if she play me for a fool and use my kindness for weakness, then it's over for her.

~*Lola Pov*~ 

   "Shacora where you at?" I asked my cousin while getting my hair done.

   "Imma call you back later 'cause I'm with Jade right now cuz. See you at home." She said then hung up on me.

Since I couldn't jump for joy, I did a little dance in my seat to show my happiness. My little side job/plan was going good so far. All I need is to find some more people to agree to do this with me.

Jewel is about to go down and I can't wait to see her self destruct.

A/N: Sooo tell me what cha think!

Lola plan finally coming together?

Jade too nice?

Why Sheena moving to Florida?

Since there was just a little more info about Shacora, what do you think about her? 

Vote, comment and enjoy!

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