Chapter 30 ~Ballroom Showdown~

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   "Lani get up." I heard Zay say.

I opened my eyes and saw I still was laying on the ground next to my father grave. Zay pulled me up and I just cried into his chest.

That two year recap helped me realize that Zay was just a caring sensitive person that needed guidance. He never really been in a relationship. He never had no one push him to do his best. He never really experienced love. I was in the same boat but I tried to understand what the other was feeling. I tried to understand the multiple ways to keep our love strong.

I basically realized that we needed each other to balance each other out.

   "Lets go get married." I said grabbing his hand.

He looked at me like I was crazy but followed me anyway. We ran to the car and I hopped in the driver seat. I didn't even let Zay close the door before I pulled off down the gravel road.

I was going past the speed limit but I really ain't care. We had an hour left until our small wedding started and I wasn't gon' be late.

We had decided to have the wedding in Mobile because me and De had to bury our parents and it was best to have it in the country. I loved the city life but I missed the peace and tranquility.

I abruptly stopped in front of the church which caused Zay to hit his head on the dashboard. I said my apologies and ran into the church. I ran and ran until I got into my rightful room.

   "Look who decided to come back." De said trying to stand up but couldn't get up.

I laughed at her and sat back down in my make up chair. As I was getting my make up done I was getting my hair done. The wedding started at 1 so we had to get a move on.

Jade, Sheena and Mama Lynn helped get De into her dress as I watched. It was honestly amusing.

   "Stop y'all. I'm out of breath."

   "De you ain't doin' nothin' but lifting yo' legs up. Ole lyin' ass."

   "Shut up Jade. How about you try carrying three babies at once." De replied.

Jade looked at her then stormed out of the room. De yelled sorry behind her but it didn't help. Jade had another miscarriage a week ago and the shit is draining her. I would be in my feelings too if I lost three babies back to back.

It was silent as everyone did what they had to do in the last 30 minutes. Jade eventually came back in but it was a lot of tension between her and De.

As I slipped my heels on I heard the music begin to play. Mama Lynn, Sheena, Layla and Alaya left five minutes ago so I know they were going through the routine of walking down the aisle. It was a weird wedding because there weren't as many groomsmen as bridesmaids. The only groomsmen was Joe because we all knew him and we could trust him.

   "Here I go." Jade said smoothing her dress out then grabbing her bouquet from the wedding planner.

We were walking out the way that we got engaged.

A couple minutes later De grabbed her bouquet and wobbled out the room. I laughed at how she had to stop twice to catch her breath. I hope to never get pregnant with triplets.

It was now my turn and I ran to the trash can. I let it all go, drunk some water then put a breath mint in my mouth. I guess it was just my nerves getting to me.

I grabbed my bouquet from the wedding planner as she opened the door. I took a deep breath then started walking to the beat. I didn't want to trip so I looked around at the decor.

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