Chapter 24

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~*Jade Pov*~

I smiled at Drew as the nurse moved the probe around my stomach. I was hoping like hell that everything was okay and that Drew could hear the heartbeat with me today.

   "Hmm." The nurse hummed and I looked at the screen.

I couldn't see nothing that I understood but I tried my best to see something. I even squinted my eyes but I still didn't know what I was looking at.

   "Is everything okay?" I asked because she was moving the probe all around and wouldn't keep it in one spot.

   "I'm sorry Jade." She said sitting the probe down.

She started wiping my stomach off and I looked at Drew. He was just confused as I was. She told me to sit up and I did so.

   "Is somethin' wrong?" Drew asked.

   "Yes. I'm sorry Jade but you had another silent miscarriage." She said and my whole world dropped.

I instantly started crying because I was just about to tell the fam on Christmas that I was pregnant and now I can't even do that. I looked at Drew and saw him crying too.

   "You can undergo an ERPC to get rid of the empty sac and everything else like last time or you can wait for your body to do so naturally." She said with sadness in her eyes.

I told her I would let my body do it naturally and she left the room. I hopped off the exam table and rushed to Drew. He wrapped his arms around me and I just broke down.

   "Why Drew? Why do this keep happening to me? Do God not see me fit to be a mother? Why Drew?" I sobbed into his shoulder.

He stayed silent while he wiped his eyes and picked me up. He grabbed my purse and carried me all the way to my car as I cried. He sat me down in the passenger seat and strapped me in then put my purse in my lap. He got in and started the car.

   "Drew." I whispered after we were silent for a while and I finally stopped crying.


   "Do you still love me even though I keep losing our babies?"

   "I will never stop lovin' you and it's not your fault Jade. I guess we just aren't ready for a baby." He said and I saw another tear fall. He quickly wiped it and concentrated on the road.

I looked at the window and already felt depressed. I knew I was about to go into another depression but who could blame me. This is my second miscarriage of the year and I don't even know why it happened.

I have officially given up all hope on having a baby.

~*De'Asia Pov*~

   "I'm so happy you wore the outfit I picked out for you." I said looking up at Lu.

   "Everybody already know that I'm yours so this sweater is unnecessary." He said looking at his sweater.

I made us wear matching ourfits because we're at the mall and I don't need no thristy ass broads trying to step. They better read our sweaters and think twice about trying to talk to Lu.

I smacked my lips and skipped in a circle around Lu as we walked. I lifted my leg up and kicked his ass.

      "Stop being childish De." He said wrapping his arms around me when I skipped in front of him.

   "I'm just so hyped to see what you gettin' me for Christmas. I can't believe you even let me come with you." I said smiling hard.

He laughed and stood on the side of me with his arm around my shoulder.

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