Chapter 7

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Today was my day off and I was loving it. I had the whole house to myself and I was just letting it all hang out. Angela was at work and Malani was all the way in Florida. As of right now I was on the couch watching Maury when my phone started vibrating. It was a text from my babymomma.

        BM: I'm not gon beat around the bush or waste yo time, just know I'm pregnant again. :)

        Me: Bitch stop lyin

        BM: Open yo front door and I'm gon show you how much of a liar I am.

I quickly slipped some jogging pants on and opened my front door. She was really standing right there.

        "Miss me?" She asked pushing past me like my house was hers.

I closed the front door and walked in the living room to see her sitting on the couch with her feet up on the coffee table. I sat down next to her and gently moved her feet off the coffee table.

        "I don't like liars so what are you here for?"

        "Don't act like that Chris. You know damn well you fucked me a month and a half ago so therefore this baby is yours." She said smiling and rubbing her non existent belly.

        "Wheres the proof because you a rat and I don't trust you." I said turning my attention back to Maury.

She reached in her purse and handed me a piece of paper. I snatched it out of her hand and quickly read over it. Sure enough she was pregnant but according to the paper it said four weeks. 

        "Why you say you six weeks pregnant but the paper say four?"

        "The paper say four because I found out 2 weeks ago. I just didn't know how to tell you." She said shrugging. I put my head in my hands disappointed in myself.

        "What you gon' tell yo' husband?"

        "What you gon' tell yo' wife?" She countered.

        "I don't even know. I don't want to break her heart but I also don't want to hide another child from her." I said leaning back on the couch closing my eyes. I felt her get off the couch then I felt her on top of me.

        "Let me take yo' mind off of things for a while." She whispered in my ear while rubbing my head.

I didn't say anything as she got off my lap and started for my jogging pants. I closed my eyes awaiting the pleasure until I saw an image of Angela. I opened my eyes and pushed her off of me just as her mouth was about wrap around me.

        "What now?" She asked rubbing my thighs.

        "Les I can't do this to my brother and Angela yo' best-friend. It's already bad enough De'Asia my daughter and now you pregnant again." I said trying to shed light on the situation we were in but she only rolled her eyes.

        "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You gon' let me get the D or not?" She said gripping my manhood tightly.

        "Yeah but this the last time Les and I'm serious." I said letting her have her way with me.

~*Malani Pov*~

It took two weeks for our things to get here but they finally arrived. Last night me and the girls finally finished putting things in place so we are having a house warming party tonight. De'Asia invited Lucifer and his fam, Jade invited some white dude named Joe and I invited Zay.

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