Chapter 12

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~*Mama Lynn*~

Sunday dinner is going to be at my house tonight and I decided to finally tell the kids what's really going on and what the story really is. I came to the decision last night when I thought about the pain and hurt that will destroy them if I didn't tell them soon. I can't have my only family hating me because I hid so much for so long.

As of right now me and the girls are putting finishing touches on the food and the boys were setting the table.

   "Jade hurry up with that lemonade, Lani finish frosting that cake and you need to pour some of that juice off them chitlings De." I said snapping my fingers.

   "Mama I don't even know why you made chitlings. They smell like shit and they look nasty."

   "Watch yo mouth in my house and Lu love them. I suggest you get use to the smell because you are going to start cooking them for him." I said pinching her thigh. I don't know why she wore some shorts to the point her ass was hanging out of them.

Five minutes later we were sitting at the table and Layla just got done saying grace. I looked around the table and everyone was laughing and eating. It pained me to know that I was going to bring anger and sadness in just a little bit.

On another note, I was pleased with the seating arrangements. I was at the head of the table and on my left were the boys: Drew, Lucifer, and Zay. On my right was the girls: Layla, Jade, Malani and De'Asia. I made sure Lu and De were far apart at every Sunday dinner so it wasn't a repeat of the first Sunday dinner we had. As a matter of fact I wonder why there was an empty chair.

   "Who suppose to be sitting there?" I asked while pointing to the empty chair at the other end of the table.

   "Yo husband." I heard Layla mumble.

I was the only one that heard at first but Drew caught on and start laughing his ass off. The whole table was then laughing and I was slightly mad but mostly amused.

   "My friend Sheena suppose to be coming but she running late. If you don't mind, I left the front door unlocked and told her to just come in when she got here." Jade said with a hint of fear in her voice.

I waved her off and as soon as we got back in our plates a familiar face walked in. I just knew the lord was testing me because my ex girlfriend Sheena Gray from Mobile could not be in my dining room.  I guess I was staring hard because she looked at me and we were basically looking into each other souls. The room was quiet and all I could hear was my heart beating loud and fast.

   "Maelynn is that you?" Sheena asked finally breaking the silence.

I got out of my chair and ran into her out stretched arms like I was a little girl.

Here's a little story. I met Sheena the day that Mama Lewis died. Me, Alana and Trent were at the hospital to view the body and I was all alone. I wasn't really alone because Trent and Alana were there but I was alone because I had no one to comfort me due to the fact that they were a couple. Sheena saw me sitting in the corner and gave me a nice warm hug. She was there through the whole ordeal and we really hit it off. I never been with a girl before but the feelings and attraction was too strong to ignore. Of course our relationship was strong and everlasting until I got pregnant.

I was fine with being a lesbian but I had my curiosity just like others. One night I was tipsy and asked Trent what it felt like. He told me he couldn't tell me because he a nigga but he could show me. I was down with it because this was a one time thing and what could go wrong? I trusted him and if I wanted to lose my virginity then I would lose it to him.

Mistakes Made & Lessons Learned (Book #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora