Chapter 21

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~*Lucifer Pov*~

   "Mama I got a sur-"

I stopped halfway in the doorway and looked at my mama and Layla on the floor crying together. Layla shirt was torn, she had blood coming from her lady parts and she was bruised all over. I closed the door and get on the floor next to them. I wrap my arms around both of them and start rocking them.

   "When she get here mama?" I asked after we had cleaned Layla and laid her down.

We walked into the kitchen and mama poured us some coffee. I grabbed my cup and sat down across from her.

   "Answer me mama."

   "Lu I don't know what to say or do. I went to go check the mail at around one amd I saw a girl walking down the street without no pants on and she was holding herself. I rushed across the street and when I put her hair behind her ear I saw it was Layla. I had to pick her up because she wouldn't move, I made it as far as the front door and then dropped both of us on the floor. When we hit the ground she hugged me and started crying."

   "So she ain't tell you what happened?"

   "No but I can tell my baby was raped. Anybody can see that." She said then took a sip of her coffee.

   "Y'all was on that floor for about three hours?"

   "Yep and she hugged me tighter and tighter as each minute passed. I just don't understand what went wrong."

   "What you mean?" I asked pushing my cup away from me. I don't really mess with coffee like that.

   "I prayed last night but I guess my prayers went unanswered. All I asked him to do was to protect her and he left her unprotected. How could he let that happen to my baby? I just wanted him to do one fuckin' thing!" She said slamming her hand on the table.

   "Mama you have to understand that he is busy. He might not have protected her last night but he will do it constantly in the future for making such a big mistake last night." I said grabbing her hand.

   "Yeah whatever. I just hope he know its gon' take me a loooong time to forgive him." She said looking out the window at the police car pulling up.

She told me she was 'bout to talk to the police and for me to check on Layla. I walked up stairs and walked into her room. It was a little light coming through her curtains and I could see that she was facing the wall. I walked over and sat down in front of her in a chair against the wall.

   "Noooo! I just wanna go home! Let me go!" She said shaking her head. I sat up and listened.

   "Shaggy please don't do this! I'm sorry! Witty get him off me! Somebody help meeee!" I raised an eyebrow at the names because they sounded familiar.

   "Please! Let me gooooo!"

I then decided she had enough and I shook her. She opened her eyes and jumped on me.

   "Lu I'm scared." She said crying on my chest. I rubbed her back and rocked her.

I waited until her breathing evened and then I looked down at her.

   "Who did it?"

   "Are you gon' kill them Lu?" She asked looking at me.

   "I don't know, it all depends on what you tell me." I said honestly.

As of right now I had somethings in the works so that I could leave the streets and give my all to my family and De. I was tired of looking behind my back so I had some things in store. One of my new business ventures was what I was coming to tell mama until I saw them on the floor.

Mistakes Made & Lessons Learned (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now