Chapter 19

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~*De'Asia Pov*~

   "Happy 19th birthday De'Asia!"

I dropped my purse and keys on the floor when I heard the loud screams. I had just walked into the house and my family was standing there with balloons and party hats. I looked around and saw Mama Lynn, Sheena, Zay, Lani, Drew, Jade and Layla all smiling from ear to ear.

   "Thank y'all for the party but where my man at?" I asked picking my things off the floor.

As I was bent over I felt a pair of hands an unexpected vistor on my ass. I took a deep breath and came back up slowly. He want to play games well I'll play them too. I started grinding on Lu slowly and he was just about to kiss me when I moved away and looked at him. I laughed when I saw a tent in his pants but that was his fault.

   "What y'all doin' by that door?" I heard Mama Lynn ask.

The way we were standing you couldn't see the tent because I was in front of him. Lu turned me around to face the crowd and wrapped his arms around my waist and started walking us toward them. I was annoyed by the poking because I wanted it bad but Lu been holding out on me since Valentine's day three months ago. He claimed we needed to slow down before we have sex again. I didn't know what he meant by that but I agreed.

   "I love y'all so much. I just wish my parents were here." I said pouting.

I really did miss my mom and dad. The first time that me and my mom talked we had made up annnd I just got off the phone with her but I still miss her.

   "Its okay De but go get dressed so we can can start this get together going." Mama Lynn said giving me a kiss on the cheek because she couldn't give me a hug. I looked down at my jogging pants and tank top, I did need to change.

I nodded and Lu started walking us to my room. While we was walking down the hallway and away from everyone else, Lu let me go and pushed me against the wall. He lifted my hands above my head and just looked in my eyes.

   "Why you teasin' me De?" He asked finally breaking the silence after a couple minutes.

   "The same reason you holding out on me." I said sarcastically.

   "Thats fair. Now go get dressed." He said letting me go.

I kept my eyes on him as I started walking away. I stopped looking at him as he started walking back into the living room. I walked into my room and saw a very pretty dress on my bed with accessories and everything else.

I had already taken a shower before I left so I just slipped the dress and everything else on. I looked in the mirror and let my hair down for tonight. As soon as I walked out my room I saw Lu standing right there.

   "Whats wrong with you?" I asked because he looked mad.

He didn't say anything as he picked me up and put my back against the wall. He started fumbling with his pants then lifted my dress up. I didn't say anything as he had his way with me in the hallway.

~*Malani Pov*~

   "Lani go see whats taking De so long." Jade whispered in my ear and I nodded.

I really ain't want to go because I didn't want to see her naked but I wanted to eat. Mama Lynn said ain't nobody eating 'til De'Asia get the first plate so she needed to hurry up.

I got out my chair and made my way out the kitchen. I was just about to turn the corner to the hallway when I heard moaning. I knew I had to be tripping because I know they can't be that adventurous. I ignored it and turned the corner.

I covered my mouth when I saw De and Lu going at it about five feet away. I mean they were really into it. It looked like Lu was taking his frustrations out on the kitty. I laughed to myself and ran back into the loud kitchen.

   "Everybody be quiet." I said holding my hand.

They all looked at me then they heard what I just heard not too long ago. They eyes bucked and Drew covered Layla ears. I started laughing my ass off silently. This was payback because De had caught me and Zay on Valentine's day and had mocked me the next morning.

   "Dreeeeeeeee!" De'Asia screamed and I had tears pouring out my eyes.

   "Thats enough Lani. Sit yo butt down and eat." Mama Lynn said pointing to my chair.

I obeyed and started eating. We some how managed to block out they sounds and went back to talking loud. I knew De was gon be mad at me but I didn't care. Payback is a muthafucka!

~*Layla Pov*~

I hated when everyone treated me like a baby. Yeah I act like one at times but only to get my way. I just turned 15 five days ago on the fifteenth so they should recognize and treat me like the teen I am.

   "How y'all gon' eat without us?" De'Asia asked walking into the kitchen with my brother right behind her.

They both looked extra happy and I knew why. I ain't no stranger to the real world. I know more things then they think I do.

   "Had fun gettin' the D?" I asked with a smirk.

De and Lu smiles dropped and the rest of the table looked at me.

   "What you know about 'getting the D', you shouldn't even know what a D is." Zay said raising an eyebrow at me.

   "I know it enough to be gettin' it every weekend." I said smiling.

I felt a slap go across my face and I knew mama did it. I took that slap and laughed in all they faces.

   "Don't talk like that around me." Mama said with hurt in her eyes.

   "What? You don't want to hear about yo little baby Lay Lay gettin' her back blown out? Legs wide open every Saturday night? Telling the niggas between my legs to fuck me just right. You don't want to hear that mama?" I asked laughing.

I looked around the table and shocked expressions were every where. Mama was crying and Sheena was shaking her head.

   "Wanna know when I lost it? Remember that boy I was with during our whole Jamaica trip? Lord did he put it down!" I said slapping my hand on the table.

   "Stop talkin' like that Layla, you just a baby." Jade said.

   "Thats the problem! I'm not a baby but y'all treat me like one! I do the exact same things y'all do so therefore I'm not a baby! I fuck, I drink, I smoke and I even had a miscarriage like you Jade!" I said pointing in her face.

Everyone looked at her and Drew looked hurt. I guess she ain't tell him like she planned on doing but it ain't my fault.

   "Layla just eat your food and be quiet." Lani said in a harsh voice. She knew about both me and Jade miscarriage.

   "I'm not gon' be quiet because I'm so fed up with the way y'all treat me!" I said pushing my chair back and getting up.

I pushed my chair back in and was about to leave when mama stood up.

   "I advise you to sit down and eat before I beat yo' ass." She said looking me in my eyes.

   "You aren't my mother." I said sternly and then walked out the kitchen.

I grabbed my things and walked out the front door. I didn't plan on telling them what I been up to lately but I had enough of the good girl role when I'm the opposite. I just wanted them to know that I was growing up and they needed to accept that.

A/N: Sooo tell me what cha think! I don't know why but it took me this long to realize that Layla never had a Pov. Anyway. . .

Jade had a miscarriage?

What about Layla having one? Chile I wrote it and I'm surprised she done all these things! Did she say niggas as in more than one?

Vote, comment, and enjoy! 

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