Saving Sayori

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As I rush into the house, heart pounding in my chest, I pray to God that we weren't too late. My leg felt pretty much destroyed by this point. As I've mentioned before, Jacob and I had come way too far to fail now. The feeling that I had, however, was something that I couldn't quite explain. 

It wasn't fear. I was determined more than anything to save her. 

It wasn't anger. I could understand why Sayori was feeling this way, and she made it obvious. She kept her hair short so she wouldn't have to bother maintaining longer hair. Sayori disguised it by acting she was as happy as could be. Her bubbly personality, her warm smile that was extremely contagious...she did a good job at hiding it when she wasn't at school. Her depression made her disorganized, she overslept, and her room was very messy on most days. 

I couldn't explain it. I supposed that it was the extreme determination to save her. However, one thing bothered me to this day from this moment. Even though this was a game, what if this was real life? What if this was someone I knew? 

Depression is a very serious thing that should never be taken lightly or as a joke. It pained me to see Sayori in this condition, but deep down, I knew that she was responsible for keeping her mental health in check. I couldn't "save" her. Neither could Jacob or Natsuki, Yuri, Monika, nobody. That much was up to her, and that is what scared me the most. 

We stop at Sayori's bedroom door and we heard her muttering something we couldn't understand. She sounded frustrated about something. I look at Jacob and he was sweating bullets with a very determined expression. He glanced back at me and nodded his head. I look over at Natsuki. She had a determined face as well and she gave me a small smile. 

I sighed to calm my nerves down, and I pushed open the door. I saw Sayori struggling with an almost perfectly tied noose. 

"Sayori..." Natsuki mumbled in disbelief.

She hears us and immediately tries to hide the noose behind her back, but we've seen enough. 

I slowly walk up to Sayori. "Sayori... hand over the noose please."

She only looked at me with a desperate, scared, and apologetic expression. 

I sighed again and looked into her eyes. "Sayori, I'm not mad at you if that's what you think. None of us are. We just want to help you. Now, please, hand over the noose." 

Sayori slowly reveals the noose with very shaky hands and puts it in my palm. I closed my fist over it. The noose was heavy, so I clutched it and threw it into the trash can beside the door. I watch as Sayori starts shaking even more, so I wrap her up in a big hug. 

"I-I'm sorry..." she said. Jacob and Natsuki join us. 

Sayori squirmed out of our hugs. "Why? Why didn't you guys just let me die? Your lives would be much better if yo-" 

Jacob interrupted Sayori. "No, Sayori. Our lives wouldn't be any happier if you disappear. It would only hurt us. I mean, have you noticed the positive impact you've had on us? Especially since I've been here?"

"I-I mean..." she stammered. 

"Sayori, Jacob's right about all of that. If you go, it would destroy everyone." I said, trying my best to reason with her. 

She looked down at the floor. I watched tears start streaming down her face. The four of us sit on her bed. 

"We all know what's best for you. I can promise you that. Killing yourself is not the best option," I added on. 

Sayori looks at me and resumed crying, this time into my chest. "I'm sorry..."

"Shhh... you're safe with us." I nod Jacob and Natsuki over to join.

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