Sun Kissed Frost

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Authors Note;

I just wanted to point out that Jack will not be in this chapter but he will be in the next one. This chapter will be more focused on Rapunzel's story before she left to see her birth parents.

Most of this section has been quoted from the movie so if something isn't correct, don't hate me for it. I did this all from memory and added my own bit to it. Please enjoy and leave a like, comment and/or vote.

This Story is also unedited. you have been warned ;)


Sitting quietly on my bed. Mother had just removed all of my flowers and untangled the braid in my hair. Once she left with the basket of petals, I fell back into my bed. Holding out the purple flag with a golden sun towards the ceiling. Sighing deeply, holding it close to my chest.

Pascal curled into my shoulder and sighed along with me.

How could Eugene just leave me alone like that? Leaving me by the shore alone while he took the crown. Leaving me with those twin ruffians, was that his whole intention all along? To get close to me just to get the crown?

No! That couldn't be it. This past couple of days, I could feel something more. Why would he have danced with me, tell me his real name, share food and going all out just to give me, a stranger, the best moment in my entire life?

No, there must be something more. Something must have happened when those Twins showed up.

Shaking my head, trying to fight the tears, I held up the flag once more. Looking deep into its design,  I couldn't help but have the feeling like I've seen this sun before.

Looking passed the flag onto my ceiling,  staring at my murals that covered every inch of my walls, I noticed something.

Standing up so my eyes could focus,  I saw them. One by one, that same sun image began to appear in nearly all of my paintings. Interacting with one form or another with my art, I could see hundreds of suns. Then it hit me.

Images of a bright light flashed before my eyes and I could see the sun's image once again, but this time, on a bassinet's mobile. Hovering over me was a couple with brown hair. The woman had green eyes just like mine. They both were smiling happily as the woman reached down to pick me up.

I shot back to reality, accidentally losing my balance and slamming into my nightstand.

"Rapunzel? " I heard Mother calling from downstairs. "Are you alright?" she called again, but I ignored her. For at this moment, I knew who I was. That baby on the brick wall in the kingdom. The one with green eyes and long blond hair, she was me.

"Rapunzel?!" she now said more sternly. Heading towards my door I swung open curtain and saw her walking up the stairs towards me from the corner of my eye.

"I am the lost Princess," I whispered.  Trying to let the words sink in. Wrapping my head around the possibility.

"What? Speak up Rapunzel, you know how I hate the mumbling!" she nearly shouted. So I mimicked her tone as I looked directly at her.

"I Am The Lost Princess!" her eyes widened as she froze where she stood. At that moment, I knew I was right. "Did I stumble 'Mother'? or should I even call you that?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Rapunzel---" she began but I cut her off.

"All of this time you had me locked up in this tower to keep me away from people who would use my powers when all along I should have been hiding from you!" I nearly spat in her face as I pushed her aside to get down the stairs.

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