Chapter 9 Gaurdians

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Rapunzel's POV:

After conversing with Jack and Statara about they're gifts and abilities, I was feeling bad that I haven't told anyone of them about my past. My old abilities that I no longer possess. I can't get past it though. Not telling them but not knowing when the would the best time to say it. Maybe I should say something, I just don't know how to bring it up.

Probably feeling my uneasiness, Jack leaned in from his seat.

"Punzie? You alright?" he asked with emotion. I brought my eyes up to him and tried to put on my best smile that I could muster.

"Y-yes, I'm fine," I said, only telling half of the truth.

"Maybe you could explain something to me, Rapunzel," Statara's voice interjected. I looked over to her, giving her my smile.

"What is that?"

"Could you tell me about that self-portrait you drew of you with the long blond hair, looking out your window?" My mouth dropped.

"What? Self-portrait?" Jack said in surprise. Statara nodded and I just stared at her in shock.

"H-how did you know?" I finally admitted, she smiled kindly.

"Wait? You're saying that THAT girl was you?" Jack said louder, still not able to grasp it. I don't blame him. I should have told him from the start but the memories hurt too much to talk about.

"I know what you been through must have hurt, Rapunzel, but we're friends here. You can feel safe around us," Statara said heartfelt, almost as if she was reading my mind.

I nodded, "Yes, that girl was me," I said, bowing my head.

"I knew it. You still have the sun inside you, though it's faint."

"What?!" I gasped. The power of the sun drop is still inside of me? How is that even possible. "But I thought when my hair was cut, I lost it all, that's why--" I stopped.

"It did," Statara said, seemingly to ignore my pause. "But only a small fraction of it still remains deep inside your heart. Not much to do anything, but just enough that it stays with you," She paused to take a sip of her tea before finishing. "I know because I can feel it."


"Wait wait wait!!" Jack jumped in, waving his hands frantically. "You mean to tell me that you possess the power of the sun? Why didn't you tell me?" he asked almost sounding hurt. I was about to explain but Statara held up her hand.

"Because, Jack, she thought that the power was lost so she must not have found a need to tell you when it was in her past. Plus, the memories involved with her hair is too painful for her to bear, isn't that right Rapunzel?" she said, giving me a loving smile. I nodded. shocked in how she understood so well in what was going on inside my heart.

"How do you know this?"

"What, you think I was born with blond hair?" she said with a laugh. looking at her hair which was similar to my old style, and looking at her dark, flawless skin, it didn't seem to match. I smiled. "The Sun gave me a fraction of Her power so I could be Mother Nature when I died 8,000 years ago. I felt that around three hundred years ago, the sun was crying because she saw her children suffering from illness and famine. A drop of the sun fell down to the earth and blossomed into a beautiful flower. A flower that can heal. Years later an old woman found this flower and found the words to enchant her. Singing to change her back to her youth. For centuries, the woman stole this flower for her own selfish greed for centuries, until one year, a Queen had become ill. She was pregnant and would die if no one could save them. The King grew desperate that he told his kingdom to search for a miracle to save his wife and child.

"This noble act had the Sun grant his request for his soldiers to find this flower from the old woman. Turning it into an Herbal tea, the queen drank it and healed. Both she and the child were healthy and a daughter was born. She had long, beautiful golden blonde hair that anyone saw. the Kingdom rejoiced and celebrated this miracle. Days after, the old woman returned and stole the child to regain her lost youth and disappeared into the night. The Sun and I watched over her in her parents' absents. Making sure she grew up healthy. She was a smart girl with an imaginative mind and outlook. A beautiful artist who interacted the sun in all of her drawings, even though at times, she wasn't aware of them. The Sun and I rejoiced when were saw that she was free from her imprisonment and back with her family where she belonged. Neither of us had ever believed that Jack Frost would have been the one to discover her though," Statara finished with a smile. I stared at her, bewildered at what I just heard. Feeling Jack's stares.

"You have been watching me this entire time?" I asked as she nodded. Falling back in my seat, I felt winded for some reason.

About to speak, the room started to shake and I could hear bells jingling from on top of the roof and the floor in the living room started to cave in.

A seven-foot tall rabbit jumped out from it and a tall, large man came in through the chimney and a very colorful woman with wings flew in through the back with four hummingbirds following her from behind. Standing in the center of the living room. Statara stood by them with open arms.

"Rapunzel, I would like for you to meet, The Guardians."

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