Chapter 7 Balance

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Author's Note;

unedited blah blah blah, you should know the works by now ;) enjoy the chapter.

I just stared at him. He looked so concerned about something. What was so unsettling about my drawing? did it mean something to him?

"What is it, Jack?" I finally asked. He blinked frequently before looking at me with a nervous,  almost unsettling smile.

"It's nothing, I--I just have to go see a friend real fast. I'll be right back, I promise," he said as he headed towards my window. I panicked.

"Wait!" I said surprisingly,  grabbing his sweater sleeve. He stopped and looked back at me. "You just got here. Why do you need to leave all of a sudden?"

He didn't answer me right away. He looked as if he was trying to come up with an excuse. Well, I won't give him the chance.

"Punzie, there is something that I need to do--"

"I'm coming with you."


"I mean, I would like to go with you," I corrected myself. "Whatever it is that you are dealing with, I want to help," I stated firmly. Jack was obviously hesitant,  thinking it over. I let go of his sleeve and waited.

He sighed deeply.  "Alright, but grab a cloak. The trip could get cold but it won't take long." Feeling energized, I ran to my wardrobe and grabbed my purple and gold trim cloak and matching boots. Ripping a piece of paper,  I wrote a quick letter to my parents.

"Dear Mother and Father,

I left early this morning to catch the early sun rise. Pascal and I will return later and I'll bring baked goods from the market. I love you,

Your daughter, Rapunzel"

And placed it on my bed in plan sight, picked up Pascal who quickly hid in my hood. Taking Jack's hand, he swooped me up bridal style and stood up on the window.

"Hold on tight," he said and I obayed, wrapping my arms firmly around his neck and shoulders.

And like last time, he jumped out just before the wind caught us. Soaring through the sky, I could hear Pascal squeak with fear and pressed himself against my neck.

Reaching back, i pulled him out and carefully placed him on my chest, protecting his tiny body with my hand.

"Who's the lizard?" Jack asked with a laugh.

"Camaleon," I correct playfully. Pascal snapped his tung at Jack's face. Recoiling his face, both he and I laughed. "I wrote that he would be with me. He's always been with me for years," I explained.

"So he's your friend? That's fine with me, just make sure you hold onto him good, the winds can get pretty fierce where we're heading."

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked cautiously. His smile grew wider,  playfully.

"To an Island off the Pacific Ocean. I have to see Mother Nature."

"Mother Nature?"

Sun Kissed Frost  *Complete*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz