Chapter 14 Prepare

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Jack's POV:

 Tomorrow is the day that Rapunzel gets picked up from her parents. I can't believe how the time just flew by. During, in which, all of the Guardians have been in constant preparation. Pitch could have plenty of new tricks up his sleeve and we all want to be prepared for anything. Working on our aims, strategies, and teamwork as well as individual training. On top of everything, Tooth and Sandy were doing their jobs and North preparing for his in the upcoming winter months. Bunny and I usually spared together while Statara covered the winter weather for me as we switch shifts to training.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly as we trained and prepared ourselves for the possible fight.

From all the talk that I overhear, everyone seemed to be anxious for Rapunzel's return. North especially. He's been itching to try out his sword skills with her since he found out that she can wield one. Me on the other hand, I just can't wait to see her again. Tooth volunteered to pick her up from her parent's palace tomorrow, and even with my protest, Statara agreed for me to stay here with the guys as she watched over my weather.

I don't understand it but once North found out about me staying with them, he's been trying to find ways to make me stay. Don't get me wrong, Tooth can handle herself out there and bring Punzie here, it's just, I was the one who told her that I would be back. That I would bring her here.

I guess that even with my protest, I will let Tooth win this time. She seemed to have taken a shine to Punzie. At least she hasn't become fascinated with her teeth yet.

                                                                               * * * * * * * * 

The night before Tooth leaves to pick up Punzie, I took flight. Soaring through the night sky. heading towards the western countries, I felt like I needed to start a few More flurries before Punzie came back. 

Flying towards the mountains, passing isolated homes, I frosted windows, sent snowy winds through open doors. Enjoying this moment until I had to return.

Racing with the winds, flying with my staff. The freedom was uncomparable.

Touching down to the thick snow, I stared up at the pine trees. Seeing the open skies filled with diamond-like stars. It was so inviting, but I stayed grounded. The cold had never bothered me, even when I was human. I loved the snow, the ice, everything about it. Playing with my little sister and the village children. The children nowadays as well as just flying with the north winds alone. Just my thoughts and the Man in the Moon to guide me. 

Marching through the thickening trees. Tucking my hands in my front pockets, I kept pace through the snow, but I stopped short.

Off to my right I the short distance, the shadow of the trees seemed darker. With only the Moon's light, nothing was really well lit, to begin with, but something seemed off. Slowly approaching the tree line, I saw the shadows move. Started, I flew back but kept my eyes peeled.

"Like I said, boy," a chilling voice from my past spoke right from behind. Spinning around, I was face to face with the man of the shadows, Pitch Black. "Nothing goes better together than the cold and darkness," Pitch exclaimed slyly.

"Pitch!?" I shouted, readying my Staff. Pitch held both hands up in surrender. I didn't let my guard down for a moment.

"Easy, Frost, I'm not here to fight," he said almost nonchalantly, I didn't buy it.

"Too bad, because I am!" I snapped. Pitch shook his head and dropped his arms. Having him just ruined my night drastically.

"I thought we could start over. Still hanging out with those low life's, Frost? Honestly, I thought you were better than that," he sounded disappointed, which only pissed me off more.

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