Chapter 4 The Sun and Frost

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Falling towards the ground, a gust of wind carried us up and higher, flying up and over the sleeping Kingdom. the beauty of my home was remarkable and breathtaking. I couldn't look away. The winds surrounded my body, whipping my short hair in all directions. I let out screams of joy as Jack carried me through the night. and for the first time in years and the thereafter Eugene, I actually felt free. No amount of sorrows and pain could reach me from this height. I actually feel at peace.

After a long while, we finally found a place to land. Heading towards a meadow that was brightly moonlit, Jack set me down gracefully. Once my bare feet touched the ground, my legs gave way and I stumbled onto the ground.

"You alright?" I heard Jack ask but I burst out into laughter, that I couldn't quite hear him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said in between laughs. "That was amazing!" I nearly screamed and fell back onto the soft grass. I looked up to see an upside down Jack with a huge smile, or a wide frown, it's hard to tell from this angle.

He and I shared a harmonious laugh as I tried to sit back up. "You do this all the time?" I finally asked as I tried to catch my breath. He nodded.

"Yeah, I can fly on my own but I get to the places that need snow a lot faster when the winds carry me, He explained, leaning lack on his arms, pulling out the grass by his hip. 

"You how long have you been bringing snow?"

"Years, actually, centuries. I've been doing this since the Man in te Moon brought me back to life about 300 hundred years ago," he explained calmly. I gasped.

"You died?" was all I could manage to say, he nodded. 

"I was skating on the ice with my little sister when it happened," he began slowly. I hung on every word.  "She happened to step on a thin section of ice and we heard it crack. trying to keep her calm, I asked her to play a game. I picked up a stick," he picked up his staffed and mimicked his movements as he told the story. "Reached it out to her and told her to hold on. Once she grabbed onto it, I flicked her towards the shoreline but I was pulled towards the center, the ice gave way and I fell in. I knew she was safe because I could see her shadow through the ice but I was dragged deeper into the water," paused, taking a look at the scenery.

"So that was when you became a Guardian?" I asked cautiously, his icy blue eyes met mine. They looked so soften as he caught out a laugh.

"No, but not too long from that moment was I brought back by The Man in the Moon. It wasn't until a few years ago did I become an official Guardian."

"So what were you doing all this time?" I pressed but stopped. "I'm sorry. I'm asking to allot of questions. You don't have to tell me."

He laughed, sitting straight up with his legs crossed in front of him. "It's alright, I don't mind, really," he smiled. feeling my cheeks getting hot, I thanked the heavens that it was dark out. Why am I blushing?

* * * * * * Jack's P.O.V.* * * * * *

Watching her blush through her dark hair, she looked so cute. Like a shy Little puppy. Deciding not to tease her, she seemed like she was enjoying herself, which was my intention. No one should be alone and be crying for that matter. It looked like she could use a break from her Royalty life.

I just can't believe how down to earth she is. She doesn't seem like a stuck up Princess that I thought she was going to be. She really surprised me.

"Most of the time I would mess with the other Guardians, Bunnymund, the Easter Bunny, mostly, but i would mostly just play with the kids. Giving them Snow days, starting snowball fights. Just letting them have fun," I explained, jumping up off the ground, perching myself on the center of my staff, looking down at the Princess. "Now do you mind if I ask you a question?"

Her smile faded and began to look concerned. "Don't worry, I won't pry into your personal life unless you allow me," I clarified, she seemed to relax after that.

"Sure," she smiled once again. Ser smile looked so sweetly as her green eyes glowed softly in the moonlight.

"With all of this commotion into getting you out of that castle, I completely forgot to ask you what your name was." She paused then burst into laughter, causing me to laugh as well.

"It Rapunzel," she said once we regained our composer.

"Rapunzel," I repeated, letting the word flow like water. I smiled. "It's Beautiful," I said but realized what the words meant. Her eyes got wide in surprise then she hid a shy laugh. I could feel my face heating up, which isn't a normal feeling for me and I'm not sure how I feel about it. "So, Rapunzel," I began slowly, her eyes met mine as she waited for me to continue. "Would you like to fly around some more before I take you back home?" her eyes lite up but quickly turned into sorrow.

"So," she started slowly, her voice low and slow i nearly had to strain my ears to hear. "Will I ever see you again?" she averted her eyes from mine. Silence filled the spaces in between us. I couldn't help but smile at her question.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said cheerfully. her face lite up and she jumped up onto her feet.

"Then yes, I would like to fly some more."

Heading to the edge of the clearing, I held out my hand as she now confidently took it. Pulling her closer to my side I wrapped a supportive arm around her waist. She mimicked the movement by holding onto my shoulders.

"Ready Punzie," I laughed. She glared. "Punzie?" and with that, we shot up into the night sky. She let out a startled scream that I come to expect with a joyful laugh to follow.

Slowly pulling her away, she started to panic. "Its alright," I began, but she didn't look too convinced. "Trust me," I simply said. With a hesitant motion, she let me pry her away and we extended at arm's length from one another. Giving her the illusion that she was flying on her own. Which she was, as long as she doesn't let go of my hand, that it.

She looked as if she was in pure bliss. A huge smile grew on her lips as she continued to laugh at the sensation that I always get when I fly. Now someone can understand how I feel every day. I too got to share in her bliss.

Slowing down as we reached her window, I pulled her close once again so I would know that she would land safely.

Touching our bare feet on the concrete, she looked up into my eyes. She looked a lot happier now then the moment I first saw her. It makes me feel good to see her smile.

"Thank you Jack," She said kindly, see her blush, but I still didn't say anything.

"You're welcome, Princess."

"Please, just Rapunzel," she exclaimed, I smirked.

"What? You didn't like Punzie?" I joked, she smiled.
"It's starting to grow on me," she said then turned into her room. Sitting on the ledge of the window,  I watched her as she sat down on the bed, giving me a gentle,  shy smile.
"Until I return, we shall meet again," I exclaimed with a dramatic bow. She laughed, tucking her legs underneath herself, covering it with her dress.
"Good night, good sir," she said with a giggle.
"Good night Rapunzel," and with that. I leaned back on the window and let go. Dropping towards the ground the flew off into the night feeling energetically recharged.

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