Chapter 21 Awaken

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Jack's POV;

Once we arrived at the island, everything was very quiet. To quiet actually.

Raising our weapons in hand, North signaled us to circle around but to stay hidden. Doing so, Bunny, North and I all went in different directions but stayed within the bushes. Keeping my eyes peeled, I watched for any Nightmares, Pitch, or any civilians as well as my team. 

If this is where Baby saw Pitch, then he must not be too far behind. 

Scouting the area, nothing really seemed to stand out. The further I moved, the more I noticed that I was straying further and further away from the others. Wanting to see this creature gone, I fought my anger towards him and headed back to regroup with the others.

Having me getting myself killed won't help Rapunzel in any way. I have to think of her in this situation. She's of the most important right now.

Regrouping, Bunny and North still had their weapons drawn at their sides.

"Alright," North began, scratching his beard. "It seems very quiet here, what do you think?"

"It could be too early to tell," Bunny chimed in. "If he was here, he is either gone into hiding or is watching us as we speak. It's hard to tell."

"Then what do you suppose that we do?" I said quietly. If Pitch is watching us, I'm not about to be the one to blow our cover. "We can't just sit here and do nothing. The Girl's are waiting for us and I can't stand to see Rapunzel in the state she's in any longer," I admitted honestly.

Exchanging glances with one another, they both understood what I meant. If either one of Tooth or Statara was in Rapunzel's situation, they would do everything in there power to bring them back. But here's the difference. They would save Statara and Tooth because they are their friends and protectors of the children. They don't have the same feelings like I have towards Rapunzel. They don't feel this kind of bond between them as I do with her. Something greater than duty and friendship. Maybe, even more than family. They at least understand how I'm feeling and for now, that is good enough for me.

"Alright, in the mean time, we should scout some more and if you see something different, we meet here and regroup. If not, regroup anyways in fifteen minutes, alright?" North ordered, flipping his swords around in his hand as if he was ready to fight. 

"Right!" Bunny and I said in unison, nodding in agreement. With that, we parted ways and began our search once again.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Meanwhile back on Statara's Island

Rapunzel's POV;

Pitch was gone.

Ever since I found out about his past. What had truly happened to make him go so mad, he hasn't returned to play any tricks on my mind. Not yet anyway.

Wondering throughout the darkness. Feeling as if I was going nowhere. The darkness was proudly taking its toll on my mind. Being in the tower, alone for most of my life still doesn't compare to this. At least in my tower, I had things to do, books to read and Gothel there when she wasn't on one of her extended travels. Here, here, it just felt empty. As if there was truly nothing around me.

"Rapunzel." and voice echoed through the darkness. It sounded feminine, Tooth?

"Rapunzel honey, can you hear me?" it called out again.

"Yes! Yes, I can hear you!" I shouted. Suddenly feeling over joyed to hear her voice.

"I don't think she can hear me?" she said sadly, seeming to ask someone else who could be in the room.

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