Chapter 12 Confess

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Jack's POV

Morning came by fast. After a night filled with Bunny and North teasing me about Rapunzel, the morning light was actually refreshing. 

Heading down the hall, seeing Rapunzel eating some fresh fruit, bread and drinking some tea, she looked like a vision out of a dream. Her golden hair fell down her back and onto the floor like a golden waterfall. She was talking to Tooth and Statara while they all ate their breakfasts. Tooth Saw me first.

"Well good morning, Jack," she chimed cheerfully. "You're up early."

Rapunzel looked up at me then and smiled just before she took a sip of her tea. "Good morning Jack," she smiled as I stood by her.

"Good morning Princess," I teased. She giggled playfully, drinking some More of her tea.

"So what are your plans today, Jack?" Statara asked, sitting up in her chair. Knowing that we have to make some plans in finding Pitch.

"I actually need to take Rapunzel home first. She left a note for her parents saying that she would be back soon." With that, Punzie nearly spits her tea across the table.

"Oh No! I completely forgot!" She freaked, getting out of her chair to find her boots and cloak. Pascal stayed on the table with the girls, looking shocked as the rest of us. "I'm so sorry. Thank you for your hospitality, Statara, Tooth, but I need to get going."

"I hope we get to see you soon young lady," Statara smiled, trying to suppress a laugh. Rapunzel nearly fell over twice trying to get her boots on as she hopped around the room. She was doing well until she stepped on her hair and fell. Laughing, I helped her up, giving her my hand.

"Thank you," she laughed, "Maybe I should braid my hair before I go."

"OH OH, I want to do it, could I?" Tooth jumped up excitedly.

"Yes please," Punzie said and sat on the floor while Tooth pulled out all of her hair and began to braid it.

About twenty minutes later, the guys woke up to see Tooth nearly finished with Punzie's hair.

"I'm not going to ask," Bunny said tiredly walking to the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of tea and grabbed a carrot.

"I will, why are you braiding her hair, Tooth?" North asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"Rapunzel needs to head back home in a little bit and her hair was getting in the way so I volunteered to help," she said, now putting on the finishing touches to her hair. Taking a look at it, seeing her interceded some vines, flowers, and feathers into her style, which looked pretty cool.

"All done," Tooth cheers, flying up into the air happily. Punzie stood up, seeing that the length of the braid was down past her knees. She spun around, gasping with excitement. 

"I love it! Thank you," she said, giving Tooth a hug.

"We better go, Punzie," I spoke reluctantly.

"Yes, of course. Thank you all, it was wonderful meeting you. See you soon."

"Bye Rapunzel!" everyone said in almost unison. Bunny was a bit off on his verse though.

I slipped my Staff on the back of my hoodie and handed Punzie her cloak. Putting it on and picked up pascal who crawled on her shoulder like always. We walked out the door and I scooped her up bridal style. Her hair added a bit more weight than what I was used to but nothing too drastic.

"Ready?" I asked this time she looked eager and wrapped her arms around my neck.


I took off and we soared through the very early sun rise. The Sky's looked as if it was painted with hues of soft blues, pink and purple. 

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