Chapter 15 Fear

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Rapunzel's POV:

What happened? Where am I?

Feeling my surroundings, nothing felt like my room. Everything was cold, damp, was I under ground? Stretching out my arms, I felt sand inbetween my toes and finger tips., but my vision was blurry. Everything seemed so darkly. What is this place?

"Mom?" I breathed, dust quickly filled my mouth and lungs. I started to have a coughing fit.

Getting up off of the cold ground, it felt hard. The air felt moist. Was this some kind of cave, or a cell maybe? Am I even inside? it's so dark in here I can't even tell.

"H-hello?" I called out. My voice sounded so quiet. Nothing returned my call. I'm starting to feel uneasy. Was I really alone?

Remembering back to my room, I saw him, at least a shadow of him. His eyes were in the midst of the sandy shadow. Those golden eyes. They felt like they could see right through me, through my very own soul. 

The last thing that I saw before I disappeared from my room was a shadowed out silhouette, those golden eyes, and black sand.

Untying my braid, letting the flowers that my mother had placed when she braided my hair before this thing took me away.

Once my hair was unraveled, I threw it forwards as far as I could throw it. "Flower gleam and glow----" I softly sang, watching the locks glow from the roots. A sight that I really missed through this past year.

With the new light, I could finally see my surroundings. It was a cave like setting. High ceilings with stalactites and stalagmites coming up through the ground and ceiling. Water dripped everywhere. Large broken bird cages scattered across the dirt floor. The cages from my dream last night?!

"Bring back what once was mine---" I finished. Taking in my new surroundings, my unsettling feeling that I had a moment ago had gotten stronger.

"Very lovely," a voice spoke as if it had come in from every direction. My hair went out completely, but my heart was racing too much for me to start singing again to see who had spoken. I pressed myself against the cave wall, trying to hide, but it didn't work. "Oh no, did I scare you, Princesses? My apologies."

I couldn't pin point where it was coming from. For a moment, I thought it was in front of me, but at the same time, it sounded like this voice was coming through the walls behind me too.

"Wh--who are you?" I called out. My voice sounding stronger but still had a slightly shaky edge to it. A shadow rushed passed me and vanished into the walls. Jumping away, I tripped, stumbling on my hair. Hitting the ground, I found a long stick. Picking it up, I held it tightly in front of me, preparing for anything.

"I'm sure you heard of me Princesses," the shadow emerged from the wall in front of me. He was tall, slender built with gray colored skin and wore a black robe. His hair was black and sleeked back, his eyes shined an eerie yet alluring gold.

"P-Pitch?" my voice caught, he smiled wickedly.

"Good guess," he took a step closer, in reflex, I jabbed the stick towards him, he paused.

"I will use this," I threatened strongly. Pitch held up his hands, showing me that he was unarmed.

"Easy Princesses. I just wanted to officially meet you. No need for violence," He said in a soothing tone but it only made me more on edge. He stared me down and the uneasiness was getting too much. Unwillingly, I lowered my stick but didn't loosen my grip.

"Fine," I breathed, staring him down as well. "Where am I?" my voice turned harsh. Why did he take me to this place? What of use do I have for him?

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