Chapter XLIV

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Christian's POV

Was there really a way to explain just how huge that fear of losing her was? If something happened to her.. I'd die. My Lana.. Gods, I trusted no one near her.. To know that she was alright, I insisted on having her near.. It was something way too strong for me to be able to control.

And so I didn't.. I didn't care whether or not someone opposed to me. I had to see her.. Make sure she was alright. She wasn't even aware just how damn much I was ready to do for her. Kill for her, die for her.. Hell, I was ready to do anything for her. Just to keep her safe.

And now I had her there in the car beside me.. I had her near me, closer to me, against me.. I needed that closeness.. I was desperate for that closeness. I was damn insatiable and there didn't seem to be a cure.

No, I didn't sleep.. I couldn't fucking function without having her near because that was the only way I could know she was alright.. With the safety I provided for her. I was responsible for her safety. In my arms, to protect, cherish and worship.. To hold her until she was soothed and asleep.

And I was aware I had to let go.. I swore to her that I wouldn't start a war with her family. I knew her well.. I knew her weaknesses and I swore I would never the cause of her hurt. So when she told me she was ready to talk to her father, tell them about all the things that happened between us.. It was a true relief.

I refused to have to hide her. I refused to have to kidnap her just so I could have her for myself for a bit. I loved her. I adored her. And that is why I had to hold onto my patience for a bit more.. Wait until she was ready.. And perhaps that 'ready' would mean war, but hell, if it came to that, I was ready to win it all for her.

I explained some parts of the plan to her.. I told her how we needed the numbers against those three witches if we wanted to win. We needed more than just the numbers.. We needed the strength.. The kind that perhaps only uniting together could provide.

I took Lana to the house so that all of us could talk. She said she had little time, but I needed her to hear it all out. I needed her to be ready for whatever it was that was waiting for us.. Gods, I needed her close for just a bit..

And now I observed how she listened.. How carefully she followed every word Calliope explained, and how she suggested things I perhaps could've never even thought of.

"I'm going in there alone. That will allure Adam if he's somewhat awake and then you guys take your part." Amelia added and I found myself pushing back the urge to interrupt and object, because damn me, but I could not accept any of them roaming around that hell hole alone..

I glanced at my brother and he seemed very much in the same state as me.. But he kept quiet. I don't know what Amelia did to convince him on such things.. How she managed to make him agree to let her go in there alone.. But if it was up to me, I would rather lock them somewhere safe and finish it all myself.

  I noticed Lana glancing at me, and I could tell how well she read me. She knew exactly how disapproving I would be of that plan.. And perhaps she wondered why I wanted her to hear it out.

  But it was the only plan we had, and I could not object or have my say in Dimitri's decision on allowing Amelia to do half the job alone in the house.. It was left to hope they knew what they were doing, and it was left to me to look after Lana and Lana only.

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