Chapter 1

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I was actually more nervous then I thought I would be.

It was dinnertime. My dad was rambling about his latest discovery again. My dad is awesome but also a bit obsessed. He was born in Erudite and never left. I know I'm not supposed to know but when my sister was little she was very nosy. One day she started asking him if he came from another faction and four months later he finally told her. Then, a few years later, she accidentally told me.

He'd always been a person who would always know the littlest randomest facts. But that was not what he liked the most. No, he was interested in history. Especially because there was not much to go on. He would always speculate about it. One day he'd found a book. It was very old and had weird symbols written inside of them. Next to it was a dictionary. Apparently the language was Japanese and my dad got hooked. he knew nothing and I still doubt he knows anything. But when my mom got pregnant he insisted on giving me a Japanese name. My mom, being the control freak she is, wouldn't let him. Eventually they settled on something not quite Japanese enough for my dad and not quite normal enough for my mom; Ami.

My mom sneakily took over my dad's rambling and started talking about what she'd done today. I did not really get along with her. She was always thinking of herself and always expected everyone to take her side. She could also be very scary when you lost something; she would say where it was. Now, I realize that that does not sound scary but believe me it is. Because if she was wrong and it wasn't there you had to go back and tell her.

"Mom it isn't there..."

"Yes it is." She would always reply with so much confidence that even though you knew it wasn't there, you'd still check again. And if she would find it before you did... Well, then you're in real trouble.

Then there was my sister, Kayli, being smart and listening to our parents conversation without interrupting our mom. Kayli and I were always told that we looked alike. Well I can honestly say: we do not. Even though my sister was a year younger than me, she was about 5 cm taller. And she was prettier. Neither one of us said it but I thought she was. She had green grey-ish eyes and thick almost straight dirty blond hair that fell just over her shoulders. That is if she would let her hair loose. She usually tied her hair neatly back in a ponytail.

I had long thick wavy brown hair that I also always wore in a ponytail and I had blue eyes. I was just a little bit taller than average height.

I gulped and stared back at my food. Tomorrow is the test. I don't want to live my whole life here, studying stuff someone else has a real interest for.

I have to tell them.

I know I'm not allowed to but I can't just leave.

I pictured their reactions. My dad would've needed some time to think about the whole situation but eventually would've agreed with me. He's awesome like that. He can place himself in someone else their shoes really easily. I got that from him, I thought.

My mom would be an absolute horror. She would freak out and start naming reasons why I shouldn't do that. Probably beginning with the reason "I won't get to see you anymore." and then continue with more reasons starting with the word and letter "I".

I feared the most for my sister. She was my only friend in the whole world. And the scary part was that I had no idea how she would react.

I made up my mind on how to tell them.

After dinner I said I had to finish up some homework and went to my room. I got two pieces of paper and wrote on the first one:

Dear dad,

Sorry I could not tell you this in person, I was not allowed to. By now you know that I have decided not to stay in Erudite. You must know that I have absolutely considered every option and that I have chosen what you and Mom taught me; choose what will make you happy.

I just want to say that I love you, I will miss you and I'm sorry.

Please take care of Kayli for me, she is very good in accidentally getting herself hurt.


I neatly folded the paper and began on the other one. But after writing:

Dear mom,

my mind went blank. I never really got along with my mom. She usually used me as a slave around the house. I told her what she wanted to hear unless I really did not believe in what I said. So should I write "I love you" as wel?

Dear mom,

By now you know that I left for another faction. I chose this because I think I will be happier there. You did always tell us to chase happiness.

I want you to know that I love you and that (even though I was following the rules) I am still sorry for not telling you earlier.

Like every other big decision in my life so far I have thought a lot about it and investigated multiple outcomes. It was not a mistake and please don't act like it was one.

Also please be easy on Kayli. She's about to lose her big sister and that's a lot for her to handle.



I wasn't happy with what I'd written for my mom. Not because I lied and said that I loved her when I really just appreciated the fact that she did not beat me or something. No, I just thought it was a bit of messy thoughts slammed on paper.

Now that I thought of it I guess I always thought that when I left I would say what I've been thinking for the past years. Be honest with her. But now I realize why I did all those things without arguing; it was because of Kayli. I did not wanted her to have to do all those things. I wanted to give her a nice life. I wanted to protect her and not be a slave. So if I would write my mind now, Kayli would be the new slave for the next year. I'd rather lie in my last letter to my mom then to let my sister be a slave for a year. So I guess the letter is good enough.

After folding them I got two envelopes from my drawer. I remember getting them once for a special occasion. I guess this is special enough to use my "precious" envelopes. I wrote 'mom' and 'dad' on them with my finest handwriting. Now I only have to do the hardest thing of my life; tell Kayli.

I couldn't even think about writing her a letter. I had to tell her in person. When I reached her door the nerves kicked in. What if she will be mad at you for leaving her? This was a bad idea. I should just... do it tomorrow! After the test! Yes I'll do that. I'll just go to sleep and I'll see the rest tomorrow. And with that I walked back to my room.

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