Chapter 21

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I wasn't the first one at the rails but there weren't many people yet. Only the instructors and a few Dauntless born. I didn't recognize them and I walked away from them, to stand by myself. 

It was pretty outside. The sun had just come up and there was a cool breeze. The gravel crunched underneath my boots. I stared at the rails. Where would we be going? Is this like a field trip? Do they even have that at Dauntless? I mean, the goal of a field trip is to learn something right?

I heard the gravel behind me and saw Four coming up to me. "You okay?" he asked while looking at my eyepatch. I nodded. He stared for a few more seconds until he sighed. He got a little closer and said on a hushed tone "If I were you, I'd stay away from Eric for a while."

"I'm not afraid of him." I said glaring at Eric.

"You must know when bravery turns into stupidity." he said and walked off. 

More and more people walked to the rails and waited. Most of them immediately went to their own little group and began talking excitedly. Ugh. So many morning persons. Some of them were taking about me. I knew that they thought I couldn't hear, but I can. I always can. They were speculating about the reason I was wearing an eyepatch made out of bandages. Most of them were bullshit but some actually got pretty close.

I stopped eavesdropping when I heard the faint sounds of the train in the distance. I perked up and began to get myself pumped up. Most of them hadn't noticed the train yet until Eric shouted to get ready. 

I watched the Dauntless born instructor immediately jump into the first car and noticed that Eric was holding back. He's gonna jump in the last one. I quickly ran to keep up with the second one. Four jumped in and held his hand out to help me. I jumped sideways and held myself up at the handle. It wasn't hard to do and I easily climbed into the car without Four's help.

Wait, I should've accepted his help. Now it's awkward again. Nice going Rogue!

Four looked at the rest of the car. I followed his gaze. Because I was already close to the edge of the platform when we jumped, I was the last one to jump in. I recognized some faces. Mason was here as well as three of his friends. Next to them were two Dauntless born girls and one Dauntless born guy who stood by himself. 

Four cleared his throat and began to explain. "Today we're going to the fence." Okay I did not expect that. "We'll get there soon so don't get too comfortable."

The other initiates wandered around and began to talk to each other. I was still tired so I leaned against the wall next to the open door. I watched the buildings rushing by until I felt someone tapping my shoulder. It was Mason.

"How are you doing?"

"You saw my fight."

"Why were you fighting Eric? What did you do?"

"I challenged him."

He looked at me like I had two heads. "You... challenged... Eric?" he said slowly. I nodded. His hands flailed around and he said "Are you nuts?! He could've killed you with that knife!"

I shrugged "I didn't know knifes were allowed."

"At a fight? Yeah!"

I stared at him like he was stupid. "I challenged him as my opponent of the initiate fights. Have you fought your opponents with a knife?"

His eyes grew wide like he finally got what I meant. "Oh... Wait, he used a knife against you in an initiate fight? That's unfair! That's against the rules!"

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