This is where it begans

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Katie - Hello, this is Katie. How may I help you?
Elise - Hi, ummm today I talked to Gigi Hadid and she told me to call you later today with my friend to talk about us modeling.
Katie - Oh! Are you Elise and Sarah?
Elise - Yes! Did she already talk about us to you?
Katie - She did! She sounded very excited. I have found mangers for you both already. We can talk about details once we can sit down together. I have a meeting in about 5 minutes so I am going to have to let you go. But I'll call you to set up something very soon!
Elise - Wow! Thank you so much!!! I'll tell Sarah the great news and talk to you very soon!
Katie - Great! Talk to you soon, bye bye!
I got off the phone and I think Sarah could tell it was good news.
Sarah - So?!?!
Elise - Gigi already was talking about us, and her manager, Katie said that she already had mangers for us! She's going to call us later to talk out details!
Sarah - OMG!!!!! This is so exciting!! We're going to be models!! We have to go celebrate!
Elise - Ok, what where you thinking?
Sarah - let's go out to eat and go shopping to get the perfect outfit to meet our managers in!
Elise - Sounds perfect!
We go to a really nice restaurant and start to go shopping. While we are in a stunning store and lady came over to us.
Lady - Hi! Are you Elise and Sarah? The new models Gigi is helping?
Sarah - ummm, I think so..... I'm sorry who are you?
Lady - well I'm a different manager, I was just in a meeting with Katie, Gigi's manger. The meeting was all about you guys! I got to see photos of you both, and let me say you are going to be a fantastic model. That's why I would like to be your manager.
She hands us a card with her face on it and a phone number and a website. Me and Sarah look at each other confused.
Lady - I'm Megan by the way, please call me or email me. We can talk more then! Tootles!
Me and Sarah just stand still until she's out of earshot
Sarah - That was weird right?
Elise - Yeah, why would she want to be our manager. We don't even have any skills in modeling yet.
We finish shopping without even thinking about her again and head back to our apartment. On our way there we hear girls screaming and a crowd beginning to form. Me and Sarah start to head over there to find Zach surrounded.
Elise - OMG! Sarah!
She looks at me then back at him and beings to blush. I take her hand and fight through the crowd of girls leading us to Zach. I push Sarah so the almost bump into each other.
Zach - Oh! Have we met before?
Sarah - Yeah, you helped me and my friend with the-
Zach - Oh! Right! Would you like a picture with me now that you know who I am?
He smiles, Sarah starts to blush and pulls out her phone.
Sarah - Yeah, but there's also something I want to ask... well it more like tell, yeah there's something I wanna tell you. He looks at the ground for a moment and then back at Sarah. Zach - How about you give me your number. I have a lot of fans here waiting so if you give me your number I can just text you and we can talk after I take care of all my fans.
Sarah - Oh! Yeah! Yeah, that would be fine!
He takes out his phone and she types in her number. Sarah turns to leave him but he grabs her arm and makes her face back at him.
Zach - I'm glad you came over here, I'll talk to you soon.
He winks at her then smiles, she blushes and smiles back.
Sarah - I'm glad too.
She comes over to me and before we're out of the crowd I look over my shoulder to see Zach looking and smiling as Sarah walks away.

He get back to the apartment and get changed. We sit on the couch and Sarah keeps looking at her phone.
Sarah - Do you think he's gonna text me?
Elise - They way I saw him looking at you. I think he would have left with you and took you out to dinner if he didn't have any fans. I'm sure he is going to text you. 
She stays up all night waiting for his text but she never gets a text from him. I know that he wasn't faking all that, I'm sure he at least thinks Sarah is cute but I don't know why he isn't texting her. I start to feel bad for Sarah.

The next day we just kinda hang around the apartment. Sarah never got a text from Zach but we did get a phone call from Katie. We're meeting her, Gigi, and our new managers at a restaurant tonight. That's the only thing that has made Sarah smile the whole day. We get ready and go to the restaurant to meet them. We all sit down and start talking about our modeling careers.

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