Its ok

221 6 0

We get to the hospital and Sarah runs to the office desk.
Sarah - Hi! I'm looking for Zach Herron.
Desk Lady - Let me see.
She types some stuff in the computer and then looks up at Sarah.
Desk Lady - He's in room 508. He just got out of surgery.
Sarah ran to the elevator and pushed the up bottom. Me and Harry had to start running so we could keep up. We stood there for about 3 minutes then Sarah started looking around. She went into a door which was where the stairs where and she started running up the stairs. Me and Harry followed, until we got the the 5th floor. She ran until she got to the 7th door. Then she stopped when she saw Zach's parents crying while talking to a nurse. She started walking slowly but after about 3 steps she stopped, and turned to find us standing behind her. She went through us and started going back down the stairs. I started going after her but then Harry grabbed my arm to stop me from going after her.
Harry - I think she might need a minute alone. I see Jonah coming down the hall, his face is red and his eyes are watery. I go up to him.
Elise - What's going on? Is he ok?
Jonah - That depends on what you think ok is.
Elise - Is he living?
Jonah - Yes. But barely. The thing is... he might have lost his memory and we won't know for sure until he wakes up which could be... it could be days. He'll be ok but his memory might be gone.
He walks away leaving me in front of 508. It's open just a crake. I push it open and go in. He looks peaceful and happy. He doesn't look in pain. I go sit on a chair and cry. Even though he might not mean the world to me and I might not be his girlfriend or anything. He means so much to so many people. He can't forget his memory it's not fair! I hear someone walk in the room. I look up to see Harry, he grabs my hand and we walk out of his room. We go to a waiting room where no one is and we sit there with each other.
Harry - I'm sure this is the wrong time to say this. But I think I want you to be my girlfriend.
I look over at him and he is looking at the floor.
Harry - I know this day isn't about us but I just want to protect you and love you. Over the past week, you've changed my life and I don't even know how.
I'm still looking at him and I make a soft smile and blush.
Elise - I don't think this was the wrong time. This was the perfect time. It cheered me up to hear that I now I'm gonna be strong for my friend who needs me. I would love to be your girlfriend.
He looks over at me and smiles. Then he looks at my lips leans in to kiss me. I lean in as well and we kiss. But just as we start to kiss Sarah walks in. We stop and slide away from each other.
Sarah - Don't let me stop you guys.
She comes and sits next to me. And smiles. Sarah - Zach woke up. 
I look at her and she has the biggest smile in the world!
Elise - Really!?!
Sarah - Yes. And he remembered everything and everyone. Elise I'm so happy!!!
I hug her and she takes my hand and takes me away from Harry. Before I left the room I looked at him. He was smiling and winked at me.

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