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Elise - Sarah?
I open up her room door, she wasn't in there. But her phones gone. I try calling her but there's no answer. I look all around the house but she wasn't anywhere. I start to get worried until my phone rings.
Sarah - Hey, sorry I missed your call what's up?
Elise - Where are you?
Sarah - Oh, I went to go and get something to eat. Why is everything ok?
Elise - Well I guess so. I just came back home to check on you and you where gone. So I just got worried but if your ok then I guess everything's ok.
Sarah - I'll be home in a little.  See you soon.

I hear a car pull in the drive way and figure it was Sarah. But then I hear a knock on the door.   I open the door to find Zach standing there with flowers.
Zach - Not who I was expecting to open the door, is Sarah home?
Elise - No. she went out to lunch. If you want to you can wait for her, she said she was on her way back.
Zach - Ok, cool.
We sit and wait. We make small talk for about 45 minutes I finally decided to call Sarah to see where she is.
Sarah - Hi
Elise - Hey Sarah. Where are you?
Sarah - Oh, well when I saw Zach's car in our driveway I decided to just keep driving so now I'm in Walmart's parking lot eating a gallon of ice cream that I bought..... WHY WOULD YOU INVITE HIM OVER?!?!?!
Elise - I didn't he showed up and I thought it was you at first but it wasn't, it was Zach. I told him he could wait for you but I didn't invite him over.
Sarah - Elise, I don't want to be his girlfriend anymore.
I put her on speaker phone so Zach could hear.
Sarah - It's not him. But I just don't like him anymore like that. We both need to move on and I feel bad I ended it with him while he was in the hospital but that's what I needed to do.
Zach starts to cry softly. He gets up puts his flowers and a card on the table and leaves.
Elise - Sarah. I told you I would support you so if that's what you want, I'll support you on that.
Sarah - Thank you. Will you tell him to please leave. I'm going to start coming back home now.
Elise - Yeah.
Except I didn't have to tell ask him to leave, he had already did. I felt so bad for him. I have no idea what's going through Sarah's mind she needs to realize that there perfect for each other.

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