~Sixteen~ Knowing Morning Sunshine

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No One POV

Gladly, in the morning, you manage to wake up. Of course it was Moe who did burst into your room, just to wake you after you told her about you and Moe going out with infamous seiyuu.

"Hurry up, (Y/n)-chan or we'll got late." said Moe as she just finished wearing shoes while you still looking for your drawing stuff. "W-wait! I-I still can't find my pencil!" You really in panic as you can't find your precious pencil that you use it everyday.

You notices it, takes and put it inside your bag and glad. "Coming!" You quickly run out from room after you close the door and rushes to outside and get your shoes.

You wearing it in quick and done. Moe blinks. "Thats quick than I thought. Is it because Shoutan asked you out?" asked Moe in smirk.

"Hey, don't misunderstanding, I may be a late person. But I can't when I did promise to someone." said you with uncomfortable. Well, you're a disciple person around everyone even you're clumsy around them.

Moe giggles. "Okay2~ Anyway, lets go." said Moe as she pulling your arm make you startled and follow her.

Meanwhile, Aoi and his member known as Ono Kensho waiting at the place where he and you did bumped each other. With hoodie on both of the boys to hide their identities by other fans.

"Oi Shouta, are you sure what we're doing? Does manager know about this?" asked Kensho. Aoi just smiling.

"Well, just make it secret. It just I want to know about her more~" said Aoi squeling. "Just imagine the girl you inspiring and have crush for long also having crush on you too~" added him again.

Kensho just scretch his head as he don't get about his friend act in sudden. But still he know about that feeling when someone falling in love.

"Okay, I get it but you owe me for asked me about this." said Kensho. Aoi makes salute. "Okay~"

"Um, h-hello?" a familiar voice caught their attention. They both turn around to see (Y/n) with smiles and Moe at her back waving at them.

"Ah! You both arrive~! I'm glad you both coming~!" said Aoi gave a clapped.

You both give a bows. "I-Its nice to see you again, Shoutan." you said. Aoi nods. "Hm, Kensho, this is the girl I told you about." said Aoi.

You bows again toward Kensho. "I-its nice to see you, Kensho." You said in nervous.

Kensho suprises and gasps. "Oh my, aren't you that dark angel who sang with him yesterday?!" asked Kensho.

Aoi giggles. "Yup, she more like dark angel version of me"

You blushes. "D-dark ange-?"

"You know what, our manager really want you to join us." said Kensho. You suprises and look at Aoi who smiling at you. S-so thats why Shoutan asked me about it yesterday.

You sweatdrops. "A-anyway, this is my bestfriend, Moe." said you as you pulls Moe infront between you and Kensho make him suprise. "Oh hey, beautiful." said Kensho giggling. "I-I'm Tojo Moe. N-nice to meet you." said Moe in nervous while you sighing relief at the back and Aoi chuckles at your act.

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