~Twenty Two~ Unexpected

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No one POV

The leader, looks at the pen and giggles. "No wonder you can fight them easily, these pen has really sharp pointer." then looks back at you with big grins, "Now, it seems like you can't do anything." ftom Aoi's head, he move his gun now at you. You sweatdrops and panic at the same times but still keeping your face in cool.

"I'm taking your both soul. You may now rest in peace!" said the leader and shoots at you. "(Y/N)-SAN!!!" yelled Aoi.

Suddenly, a slash come out, cutting both of bullet and the gun into half. "What?!" The leader looks at his gun. "What just happen!?" He looks back at you, still standing while glaring him.

He sweatdrops and takes out his another gun and shoot again. Immediately, you dodges the attack, and takes out another fountain pen before stabs his arm, causing the gun that he holds falling while he screaming in pain. You quickly grabs his hand and kicks his face, causing him falls and unconscious.

You panting hard and fix your stand. "I guess I just waste my money on fountain pens for these freak.." you said.

Aoi looks at you in shocks. Seeing your hand covering blood. You look at Aoi with your mood down look. "Are you okay, Aoi...?" you asked. Aoi smiles a bit and nods. "Don't worry, I'm okay."

"I'm sorry.. I messed up my personality infront you.." you said while untie him. He blinks and smiles. "You look awesome, (Y/n)-san. I admit it." said Aoi.

You shakes your head while you complete untie him. He looks his hands in happy as he got release.

"I'm just a monster with human mask." you said while sobbing. You covers your face with your palms. "I'm sorry.. For caused you in trouble.."

Aoi walks and hugs you. "Hey, its okay. Its not your fault. Its happen without our expected." said him while pats your head. "Atleast we are now safe.". You blushes and slowly hugs back. "Thank you, Aoi.." you said then he giggles. "Call me like you always use to call me, (Y/n)-san." said him make you blushes. "Sh-Shoutan.." you blushed more.

While you feels comfort in his hug. He suddenly giving you whispers, causing your eyes widen unexpected.

"Be my queen.."

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