The Blue Buterfly

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We were walking into the buterfly place. My eyes widened at all the diffrent colors, some flew around me. Todoroki chuckled and extended one of his fingers on my head. When he lowered it a beautiful blue buterfly with shimmering wings layed their. It was on his cold half to make sure not to burn the small creature. I awwed at the pretty sight.

"Its pretty."

I smiled up at him and nodded. We were really close, this is kinda like a date. My face reddened no, no get your head out of the clouds! The blue buterfly flew away, i giggled has one landed on my nose. Pretty. Todoroki chuckled.

"Todoroki will you video this?"

He chuckled but nodded, he began to video me. I gigled and smiled. A swarm of buterflys engulfed me. I just gigled even more. Once he ended the video, he took some pictures. He caught me off gaurd in one. He handed me his phone.

"Can you put your number in it?"

I smiled brightly then began to type. Mumbling just a tad.


I handed him back his phone small smiles played on our lips. He was leaning in towards me a little, i wounder what hes doing? He came closer until our breaths mingled and my face deepened in color. Is he going to kiss me?! I dont know what to do, my body began to move on its own. Why am I leaning in? Do i want him?

"Oi Deku hot and cold bastard!"

He imideatly backed away a present blush dusted his pale skin. He looked agrivated yet unsure. I already felt my face heat up, Kacchan just caught us. Why am I disapointed in that? I looked over to Kacchan seeing a spikey red haired male with him.

'So my suspicion was correct. Kacchan is gay.'

Kacchan glared at me and i shut my trap. Did i just say that outloud?! He gripped my colar.


Todoroki grabbed Kacchans wrist and forced his hand away from me. They glarred at eachother. The red haired guy walked towards me.

'My name is Eijiro Kirishima, whats yours?'

'Izuki Medoriya, you can call me Deku.'

He lightly nodded.

'How much do you wanna bet hes gay?'

'I say gay and 5 yen.'

He nodded.


I hummed in thought then smirked.


He shot me a shocked look.

'Then if hes not he'll choose you.'

Kacchan dosent like me that way, but i still nodded. This bet is so on!

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