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I began to open the rooms. First Izukis, no mother. The bathroom, of course I knocked. No mother. Then the farthest bedroom, the one Izuki always looks at with sorrow. I knocked, no answer. Opening the door i peaked in. A heavty woman laid sprawled out on the bed, she had heavy bags under her eyes and was peacfully...sleeping. i let out a breath then closed the door wuietly and made my way down stairs. She looked at me worried, i smiled and held a finger to my mouth. She had let out a breath.

"Your mothers alseep."

She nodded and relaxed into the couch. I walked around and sat next to her. She looked worn out but still cute all the same. I felt my face heaten had i caught myself staring at her lips. I laid back next to her. She scooted over and laid on my chest.

"Can we stay hear for a while?"

I chuckled.

"Of course."

I moved some strands of hair from her vision. A small smile decorated her lips. I could feel my heart speed up and my face tint a color. But all she did was smile.How does this cinimon roll keep breaking the fourth wall? I chuckled to myself. That reminds me we have chili tommorow at lunch. If she eats the cinimon roll is that cannibalism? I wrapped my arms around her and though good and long. Come on is that canniblism or not?? I sighed and decided to continue the war tommorow. First sleep.



I was the first person to wake up. Other then my mom. I walked into the kitchen, she wore her usual happy smile.

"Hello Izuki!I'm so sorry I wasnt hear for your birthday!"

I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Dont worry mom, my friends suprised me with a small party."

She smiled and huged back tightly, her phone went off. We released each other and she frowned.

"I have to go to work. But first whos your friend?"

I smiled thats mom for yeah.

"W-well h-hes m-my b-boyfriend."

She smiled and engulfed me into a right hig.

"Im so glad you found someone. Even after him and i promise to meet him next time!"

I smiled and nodded, we both wanted to finish this conforsation but i dont want her fired.

"See yea mom, love you and dont push yourself too hard."

She smiled and nodded. I chuckled has she sped walked out the door and most likley ran to the bus stop. I sighed and went upstairs to gwt dressed then i woke up Shouto. Well kinda he wouldnt budge an inch. I sighed and began ro rhink on ways to wake the sleeping male. I smirked then climbed on top of him. Pushing my lips to his, he automatically reacted and wrapped his arms around me. My legs were on either side of his waist and just to tease him i locked my hips. I soft moan echoed from his mouth to mine. His hands were roaming. I could feel him kiss back. Hes deffinantly awake. I parted lips with him, only to see his eyes half way lided and a mischeviouse smirk on his face.

"Well good morining to you too."

I chuckled.

"You need to get ready for school and i need to brush my hair and what not."

He chulckled but nodded. We both had gotten unto our cosplay wear. I really cant wait to see the others!

Just incase you forgot what are their costumes.

Todoroki Shouto
    Cosplaying has
         Killua Zoldyck

Todoroki Shouto    Cosplaying has          Killua Zoldyck

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Medoryia Izuki
    Cosplaying has
          Gon Freece

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