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We walked into the classroom. Thankfully no one was in their, well other then Kacchan. He just looked at us from the corner of his eye, then to the arm drapped around my waist. He then glarred at Shouto. I mentally sighed and wanted to wave a white flag. But sadly that was not going to happen.


Class had ended and i was packing my things. Until a hand slammed on my desk, i sighed and looked to see Kacchan.


I was not in the mood, my head  and sides hurt and i was tired. I just had to start my period in the middle of class! He acrully looked kinda scared. Until I notced Rose was behind me. Shouto was now standing next to me too.

"Oi Bomber, go flirt with Rock!"

Their she goes in her weird nicknames. Kacchans face turned a bright red then he went to go explode Rose. He ended up getting his ass handed to him. It was quite amusing to watch. Shouto smirked evily the entire time.

"You ready Izuki?"

I blushed but nodded, he took my hand and we began to walk for our cosplay stuff.


"I am offivially a IzuGon!!"

Shouto covered his mouth from a laugh. I wore a black tank, dark green skirt and a dark green vest. Along with some knee high stockings and green boots. I had also pulled my long hair into a ponytail with one of those ribbon thingys hanging out. (Pic up top)

"Your too cute Izuki."

I smiled in triumph. I was happy to wear this. He had a light blush on his skin.


"Isnt the top and skirt too low?"

I looked down, it showed some small clevlage.  But not alot, then I looked to the mirror. The skirt is kinda short. But it was suppose to be that way due to the shorts attached to it. I had also got a regular skirt, that was the same color.

"Theirs shorts attached and thats how short its suppose to be. Also now its your turn!"

I smiled and he sctatched the back of his head. I have the perfect idea for him. I began to drag him to the males section, of course we bought this first.

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