Kurupika & Chrollo!?

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Me and Shouto walked into the classroom to a short haired blonde and raven haired male. The males hair was slicked back and had a terribly drawn cross on his head, the girl wore red contacts. Wait...

"Ur, Iida?"

Ur gave me a small smile, while Iida just nodded. Their playing there roles surprisingly well. But isn't Gon, Killua and Kurupika friends? 

"Anyone know who Oreo is?"

"Killua, it's Leorio."

I childishly schooled him. 'Killua' blushed but pouted, trying not to laugh. Before I knew it, he wrapped me up in his arms. A blush present on his face and pecked me on the nose. I lightly giggled and 'Kurupika' smiled lightly. 

"Come on you two, also we don't know who Leorio is."

I did a small nod has 'Chrollo' secretly seduced Ur and got hit in the process. I sweat dropped, their taking their roles a little to far. 


The day went by quick, everyone acted like their characters and some went a little too far on theirs. I tried my best to act my role, but 'Killua' kept on switching our roles...somehow. Still have no clue how.

Sorry for short chapter. And HOLY SHIT 1.19 VEIWS!!! Thank you for reading my book everyone!!

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