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I was awe struck, Bakugo can sing? I watched as he left the stage and walked over passing me and did a wink? I held my face and looked away, kill me. Why was that cute!? I then went back to my regular stuff and got ready for the play.

***Sorry I'm skipping the play since I forgot what I was going to write***

I stretched up a wide smile on my face, Medoryia was hugging Todoroki in glee and I watched happily as Ur and Iida were talking happily. I sighed and began to search for Bakugo. I walked throught the crowds then not seeing him I walked out of the theatre getting some happy smiles asks for autographs, which I happily abided. Then I sighed, where is he? I grumbled and walked out and stopped, my face heated as his attire of the Rebel Prince was a bit messed up and the first two buttons of his dark red dress shirt was undone and his vest was now unbuttoned. I couldn't help to let my eyes wander over all of him, he wore tight black pants that had some holes in the top along with some black combat boots and his hair was a bit calmer the usual. He then sighed and laid his head on the railing.

"I'm so stupid, why did I do that?"

I froze and my eyes widened, he was talking to himself?

"He'll figure out if I keep this up!"

I couldn't help as I walked forward and questioned, who was he talking about? Was he meaning that one part when he almost kissed me? I felt my face heat up and I grabbed his rolled up velvet sleeves. He turned his eyes wide.


He said my name?! I felt my skin heat up and I looked to the side. 

"A-Are you okay?"

I felt his arms wrap around me and I was pulled into his chest, his breath fanned my ear as he whispered.

"Forgive me."

Forgive him for wh-I felt something warm touch my lips, my eyes widened. He kissed me! I felt my skin deepen in color and I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. I smiled against his lips as I pulled slightly at his hair. I could feel my breath run low, but I did not care but soon it was a must. We parted and rested our heads on one another. 

"I love you Bakugou."

His eyes widened and a large smile fell onto his lips.

"I love you too, Kirishima."


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