Dragon and Mini Bomb

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It was nice seeing Medoryia and Todoroki get together, but now I have my own problem...Bakugo our Mini Bomb as I call him. Is too demse to notice my own feelings. I let out a grown and Medoryia officially won the bet. So un manly, loosing to a girl.

"Kirishima! Dont let the wings bump into anything!"

"Okay, Ill be carefull!"

"And thank you for being the Dragon in the play!"

I chuckled and smiled at her.

"Of course."

Her face tinted a pink and she scampered off. I let out a sigh, Dragon gets defeated by prince. Prince saves princess, rebel prince shows. Bif fight, good prince wins and ending. I have yet to know the Rebel Prince, but the princess is Medoryia. Everyone voted on it. Then the Good Prince is Todoroki, mostly because their dating. But depending on the rebel will decide the actual story. I them carefully walked through the people and peaked out into the stage. They are holding auditions now? I juat watched as some class b and a1 students came and went. The main thing was, you needed to sing. Then something or someone highly unexpected came.

I was awe struck, Bakugo can sing?!

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