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I was examing him in the mirror. He used one of his free hands to push some of his hair to the side.

"H-how do I look?"

He breathed out, i couldnt help but blush and tackle him in a hug.


I said with the most confeidenxe i had, he smiled and messed up my hair a tad. Were resdy. We paid for the clothes and then went to my place.


"We should tell your mom."

I nodded in agreement, then opened the door. No one, but she should be hear.

"Shouto, can you check down hear while I check upstairs?"

He pursed his lips.

"Let me check up stairs. Okay?"

I didnt know what he meant but I nodded. Before I ealked off he tangled me in a hug and kissed my lips.

"Once your done sit on the couch and dont come up."

I just nodded still unsure on what he meant.


We parted and i began to trudge up the stairs. If her moms suppose to be hear...only one terrible thought entered my mind. She could be asleep, or commited suicide. I really hopes she asleep.

Sorry for short chapter, just wanted to leave clift hanger! I hope you guys like it so far and ill try to updat has much has possible. Thank you for reading my book and sorry for the terrible grammer mistakes.

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