Chapter 3

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I watch Johanna and Albert hold hands and talk amongst themselves during the carriage ride. I smile at them, at how suited they are for one another. But there was a time when the only purpose my smile served was to mask my jealously. When George was pulling away from me, I was so envious of Johanna and Albert's relationship. Albert would worship the ground Johanna walked on. He would bring her presents often, sometimes things she'd talk about wanting for weeks. He looked at her like she created the moon and stars. And Albert still does all of those things. I would often watch them and ask myself how George and Albert could possibly be related. How does one brother praise his wife like a goddess while the other tells despicable lies about the woman he promised to love? I spent many sleepless nights wondering to any higher power who would listen what I did to deserve such horrible treatment while Johanna got to enjoy a happy marriage.

"Cecelia?" Albert says, snatching me from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Are you excited about court? Johanna tells me you've never been before."

"Oh, yes. I'm very excited." I smile.

"I hear the king is attending the party tonight," Johanna informs us. "And I also hear he is looking for a bride."

Albert smiles at his wife. "According to gossip he is always looking for a bride. It has been many years since he came upon the throne. I think the king will stay unmarried."

"The king may be older than he once was, but he can still find a wife. Who wouldn't want to be queen of Claria?"

"But not you," Albert says jokingly. "Right, my dear?"

"With the exception of me, yes." Johanna grins.

"I don't know if I could be queen." I say, gazing out the window of the carriage.

"What makes you say that?" Albert asks.

"It's far too much pressure for one person. Everyone always looking at you, judging you, gossiping about you. I don't think I could take it. And those crowns look awfully heavy." I smile.

Johanna laughs, "You're right about that."

I gaze out the window in awe as Lambridge Palace comes into view. It's magnificent, like something out of a fairytale. The walls are so high and the palace itself seems to be letting off an enchanting glow.

Lambridge is King Leopold's favorite place to hold court. He lives there five months out of the year. He spends the other seven months alternating between Headdon Castle and Talsworth Palace.

"I can barely contain my excitement," Johanna beams. "Just think, in just an hour or two we'll be in the same room as the King of Claria."

"Why do you speak of the king so much?" Albert asks her.

Johanna steals a quick, mischievous glance at me, "No reason."


Two hours later Johanna, Albert, and I are walking into a crowded ball room. Johanna loops her arm through mine and smiles at me, the exhilaration building up between us. I look around with hungry eyes, trying to take in everything at once. There's a large group of people dancing in the middle of the room to music being played by musicians in the right corner. There are groups of men and women scattered about, talking and eating from a long table laden with rich foods.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, Cecelia." Johanna murmurs to me.

"Do you really think so?" I fuss with one of my freshly wound curls.

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