Chapter 12

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-Two Months Later-

"I'm afraid this is our last chance together before your coronation. But I wanted to tell you that I have done something very special for you."

"You have?" I smile. "What is it?"

"You will receive the queen's jewels after the coronation. But as for the coronation...I have had a new crown commissioned. Just for you. You will be the first queen to wear it."

"Leopold...thank you. You did not have to. What does it look like?"

"You will see when you are crowned. You will love it." He smiles.

I kiss him, "I will see you after?"

"Right after. We'll return to the palace together for your celebration."

I nod and exhale nervously, "Alright. I suppose it's time." All ten of my ladies are walking me through the tunnels to the carriage outside. They're all gathered talking behind Leopold and I talking. Johanna looks at me expectantly. It's time to go.

"Good luck, my love." He kisses me again before disappearing up the stairs that lead back up to the palace. I will get in the carriage here and ride through Claria to the church where I will be crowned.

Johanna and my other ladies line up behind me. Johanna reaches for my hand and squeezes it, "Are you ready, Your Grace?"

I nod, "I am ready."

I begin to walk through the tunnel. I can see the white and gold carriage waiting for me at the end. There's a footman there, his awaiting hand stretched out to help me into the carriage. Johanna and my ladies mount the horses behind the carriage. The footman closes the door and we set out. The horses hooves clomp along the cobblestones and pull us along. I gaze out the window at my new coat of arms that have been hung from every building in Claria. Two red roses crossed at the stem with pouncing lions on both sides. The flag itself is yellow with a red border. Leopold created it for me.

I begin to hear the cheers of the crowds. We travels a little more down the road and people come into view. They're all screaming, cheering, waving their hats, and throwing rose petals at the carriage. I smile out the window and wave. My heart swells at the excitement and affection of the crowds. All of this happiness, this day, is all for me. And my husband orchestrated it all. The further the carriage rides along, I hear the crowds chanting, "Long live the queen! Long live the queen!"

I continue waving to the crowd. I am so overjoyed I cannot stop smiling. I look up and see there are people out their windows, waving my coat of arms and shouting. The roses are still coming from every direction. My ladies are laughing in joy. The church bells ring in a beautiful song as we approach. Covington Abbey comes into view, the most magnificent chapel in all of Claria. And where every king and his queen have been crowned. The carriage stops in front of it and the door is opened. I step out and feel the roses flutter down to the ground around me. Johanna and my ladies are suddenly behind me. They straighten out my powder blue dress (Another one Leopold had made for me) and insure my hair did not lose its curl. Johanna secures my matching fur lined cape and squeezes my hand. My ladies get in their places behind me and I walk into the church. All is silent as we enter the church. I look straight ahead, but stay mindful of all the eyes on me in the crowded church. Matthew Whalen, the Archbishop of Huntington is standing beside my throne. He is the most powerful clergyman in Claria and he will be the one to place the crown on my head. I make it to the end of the long isle and glance to the right, making eye contact with my parents in the front row. I smile at them and they bow their heads respectfully. My ladies become the front row on the left side and I ascend the steps to the throne. My heart is jumping as I sit down.

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