Virgil & Thomas - Distorted Voice 2

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Trigger: Panic Attack, Mentions of Abuse, Violence

A man claiming to be the father of Virgil and Thomas had visited over the weekend. Roman had been the one to open the door and greet the man there. "Is this the Sanders residence?" The man asked slightly unsure. Roman had confirmed this was the correct place and the man asked if Thomas and Virgil were available. "Wait here, I'll go get them," Roman replied. After Roman got them, Virgil and Thomas walked to meet the man. Virgil stopped ten feet from the door when he saw the man and pushed Thomas behind him. "Virgil, what the heck?" Thomas questioned confusedly. "T, go upstairs," Virgil told him quietly, watching the man's face contort into a frown. "V, what's going on?" Thomas questioned again trying to see past Virgil.

"This man is dangerous T, go back to your room," Virgil said, trying to keep the shakiness out of his voice. "Now Virgil, that no way to talk about me," the man said with a smooth tone. The man began to walk closer to them and Virgil began to tense. "Why, because it's true?" Virgil asked with a bitter laugh. This man had abused both Virgil and Thomas verbally and physically for years until their mother stepped in. She had three different husbands and had five kids between them, but she really thought this last guy was the right one. "It's not true because I loved you both," the man tried. "Bullshit, Mike!" Virgil yelled, his voice distorting and making Thomas gasp quietly. Mike smirked, "so... you being away from me for a few years makes you tough, hm?" Virgil glared at him and, if looks could kill, this man would be dead on the floor.

Mike and Virgil were now face to face, glaring at each other like children. Mike's eyes widened slightly when he noticed Thomas, who had been staring at the ground shaking as he tried to control his breathing. Thomas had grabbed onto his brother's hand when he yelled and was forced to let go when Mike harshly yanked Virgil away from Thomas. Thomas gasped, now face to face with Mike; the man who used to beat him, which caused him to breathe heavier and quicker. "No," Virgil yelled, "leave him alone!" "Hello there," Mike greeted Thomas, who was visibly shaking by now. Virgil ran forward ready to fight him, but was knocked out when Mike turned around and punched him hard in the face. "Now," Mike turned back to Thomas, "your brother has kept us from meeting for awhile," Mike stated. "I'd like to use this time to get to know what happened to you while I wasn't around," Mike smiled.

"My name is Mike, which you should remember, I am your father," Mike politely introduced himself. Thomas could hardly breathe at this point, he was just so scared. "What's your name?" Mike asked nicely, as if nothing happened. Mike honestly never bothered to learn Thomas' name, he'd always call him kid or some other name. When Thomas didn't answer, however, Mike slapped him as hard as he could and Thomas landed on the ground with a loud thud. "I asked you a question kid, you answer me when I talk to you," Mike growled. The tears fell rapidly down Thomas' face and he tried to get his voice working. "T-Thomas," he whispered as loud as he could, sitting up and praying that Mike heard him. "Thomas huh? Your mother picked a good name," Mike commented, "how old are ya?" The question wasn't answered fast enough and Thomas was punched this time, his head hitting the floor so hard he swore that he saw stars.

"P...PATTON!" Thomas screamed desperately, gasping for breath. He heard Mike cussing him out and footsteps running down the hall. Next thing he knew, the door was slammed shut and someone was in front of him, calling his name. Thomas passed out, but later found from Logan that he and Virgil would be okay aside from any bruises. He was also told that Mike's appearance and behavior were reported to the police, who were doing everything they could to find him.

I haven't been abused and I don't mean to offend anyone if I did.

Patton & Logan (younger) are twins
Roman is the middle child
Virgil and Thomas (younger) are twins

Suggestions and creative criticism are always welcome!

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