Need a Hug? - Thomas & Logan

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I came home early from school today because I thought I was gonna throw up in class. I still feel like crap but I'm jamming to Hamilton. Sorry for the late update!
    Logan had been having a bad day. He wasn't sure why, but he did his best to ignore it. He figured it was because nobody was really doing anything that day. All everyone had done that day was discuss what the next video should be about and what should be in it. Thomas had been working on the new plans for the video all day and hadn't needed their help for it at all. Logan tried to keep himself busy by reading or messing around with his more challenging rubix cubes, but he was just too bored to do anything. He put on a documentary about dinosaurs even though he'd already watched the show numerous times. He was paying more attention to his thoughts rather than the documentary though and missed the majority of it. He unconsciously started to scratch his hand while in his thoughts and didn't notice he kept scratching harder and harder. By the time the show was over, he had scratched his hand raw and had drawn blood.

    He went to scratch his hand again and gasped lightly at the pain it brought. When he looked down, he realized what he'd done and immediately felt embarrassed. He was usually much more observant of things. He stood up and went to the bathroom to clean and dress his newly formed wound. The water hurt the irritated skin, but it was easy to ignore. After he wrapped his cleaned hand in some bandages, he went back to his room to grab a sweatshirt. It was a nice dark blue color and was slightly too big on him. Virgil had made him the sweatshirt as a birthday present a while back. After he put it on, Logan decided to see what the others were doing since he hadn't heard them doing anything all day either.

"Hey L," he heard Virgil say once he reached the living room.
    "Hello Virgil. What is everyone up to?" He asked the other
"I'm watching an anime, Roman is doing some knightly whatever in the imagination, and Patton is making cookies in the kitchen" Virgil replied. He smiled a little when he realized Logan was wearing the sweatshirt he made him years ago.
    "Thanks for letting me know. I'm going to go and see what Thomas is up to. He's been rather quiet today," Logan told him.
"You're welcome and yeah, I agree with you. I haven't been on him as much because he's been working all day on the next video," Virgil said.

    Logan nodded and left soon after to see what his host was up to. Logan appeared in his usual spot in videos, looking at the couch and expecting to see Thomas working on there, but he wasn't. Since Thomas wasn't there, he must be doing well on his own writing the script for the video. Logan walked into the kitchen to grab two bottles of water and make a simple sandwich for his host. The poor boy probably hasn't eaten since they talked about the script that morning. Logan walked up the stairs and knocked on Thomas' bedroom door. He was granted confused entrance a few moment later and saw Thomas's confused face turn into recognition after he saw Logan.

"Hey Logan, what are you doing here?" Thomas asked the logical side.
    "I've come to see what you've been up to since you've been uncharacteristically quiet today. I've also brought food since I believe you haven't ate anything today," Logan replied.
"Oh, um, thanks," Thomas said, "you can sit down on the bed if you want."

    Logan sat by Thomas and gave him the food and water he had brought up with him. Thomas showed him briefly how far he'd gotten with the script while he ate and Logan thought Thomas had done pretty well with how far he got. Thomas went back to writing on his laptop after he finished the food Logan brought him. He was laying propped up on some pillows and had his stomach a little exposed. Logan felt the urge to lay his head on Thomas' lap and decided to do just that. Thomas stiffened a little in surprise before relaxing. Thomas shifted his laptop further down on his leg to make room for Logan. Logan sat so he could see what Thomas was writing and didn't say anything. Logan felt more calm sitting next to his host and thought to himself for awhile. Logan's thoughts began to turn self punishing after awhile.

    He started to feel like he shouldn't be with Thomas anymore. He felt like he wasn't good enough and that he wasn't helpful in anyway. Maybe he should just disappear because no one takes him seriously anyway. Maybe if he left, everyone would find better solutions to their problems.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? What happened?" A voice suddenly said. There was a hand rubbing his back that he hadn't noticed before. "Why're you crying?" Thomas asked.
    "I'm not," Logan replied. He reached a hand up to touch his eyes and was surprised at the feeling of wetness that was there.
"Look at me, please?" Thomas asked, lightly trying to turn Logan to face him. Logan turned to face him, seeing Thomas' concerned face staring back at him. "What's going on in that head of yours?" He questioned.
    Logan didn't have an answer to give him. Logan's day has been full of surprises because he hasn't been paying attention.
"Are you just having a random bad day? Those happen Logan. It's ok if you don't know why they're happening or if you don't understand why you feel like crap, alright?" Thomas asked the side on his lap.

    Once Logan nodded in understanding, Thomas felt slightly less concerned now that he knew what was wrong. "Do you want a hug?" Thomas asked, sliding over to make room for Logan to sit up. The side slowly nodded again and moved to sit in a better position. Thomas wrapped his arms around his logical side after Logan got comfortable laying on Thomas' side. They talked about what each of them have been doing for the day for a little while before something caught Thomas' eye.

"Why is your hand in a bandage, Logan?" Thomas questioned.
    "I was distracted while thinking and scratched my hand raw," Logan replied quietly.
"It must've been a pretty bad day, huh?" Thomas asked sadly.
    Logan nodded in response.
"Do you want me to out a movie on?" Thomas wondered.

    The logical side said he didn't mind so Thomas chose something space related as background noise. He knew Logan wasn't really focusing on anything at the moment. After a little bit Logan fell asleep on Thomas' shoulder. Thomas smiled a little and slid his laptop over to keep working, making sure to keep an eye on Logan. 
Suggestions and creative criticism are always welcome!

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