Logan X Virgil - Lost in Space

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Trigger: Mentions of panic, mentions of cursing(?)

Logan became an astronaut when he grew up. He'd always had a fascination with space, so he figured it would be the right choice. He met Virgil after collage and eventually fell in love with him. Logan found out that Virgil also studied to be a astronaut but later decided to be a communication officer. They eventually married and went to work together. Logan was scheduled to leave in a month and be gone for 5 earth years so they spent more time together after Logan's training ended. Virgil was prepared for his husband to leave, it was part of his job after all. This was just the longest he'd be gone since he first went up. Virgil was a little worried, but he knew Logan would be alright, he always was. Logan was super excited and he didn't want to rain in his parade with needless worries.

As the month drained to days and the days drained to hours, Virgil got anxious. He knew Logan would be fine though, he kept telling himself that. Logan usually helped him calm down, but he was about to go into lift off. A lady was counting down from ten and soon he'd be off. "Virgil, come in," he heard Logan say over the receiver. He asked Logan what he needed and was surprised to hear, "I love you dear" in response. "I love you too Logan," he responded with a smile. Everyone was cheering a few moments later, indicated a successful lift off. Virgil smiled, thinking of his boyfriend out there knowing Logan had the biggest grin on his face. Logan would come back soon, glowing with happiness and tell him loads of stories.

Virgil had the night shift of 7pm to 7am, so he would be here a little longer before he could leave. About two hours from the end of his shift alarms started blaring. He jumped in surprise, as did many others, and looked at his computer. It showed the conversation log from the ship and the course it was set for. Currently, it was showing that the ship somehow got off course and was headed straight for an anomaly. "Logan what's going on?" Virgil demanded, he was as calm as he could be. "We thought we had everything under control but there was a malfunction. Damien is trying to fix the issue but he's not having much luck," Logan replied in a tense voice, Virgil could hear an alarm going off in the background. "Ok, when did this happen and why wasn't it reported?" Virgil asked and Logan responded with an "I don't know." Virgil was surprised, Logan usually remembered everything, he was known to have a great memory.

"Red alert! The anomaly has been identified as a black hole" someone yelled, sending the workplace into a panic. They couldn't lose that spaceship or those people on board, they spent a lot to get them up there after all. Virgil gasped at the news and quickly tried to tell his boyfriend what to do. "Logan, listen to me. You are heading straight for a black hole, you need to fix the malfunction as fast as you can," Virgil quickly yet calmly explained. He heard Logan curse before saying he was going to help Damien and the he switched to his ear piece. Virgil switched to a visual diagram of the spacecraft, finding the issue almost instantly. "Okay Logan, head to the engine room. Your problem resides there," Virgil told him and Logan affirmed that he was headed there.

A loud blast was heard and Logan cursed again. "Damien's dead, cause of death presumed to be smoke inhalation," Logan said, everyone was now listening and hoping he makes it out alive. "Alright then, you need to be careful Logan. We can't lose you too," Virgil said what everyone was thinking. Every communications officer was assigned an astronaut, Virgil's just happen to be Logan. They were also trained to remain as calm as possible when faced with disasters or they risked the life of their partner. "You have to be quick if you don't want to meet the same fate then," Virgil was scared but he refused to show anything, he knew Logan would be fine. Logan quickly set to work as his time started running out. "Logan you need to hurry, you're getting to close to the black hole," Virgil warned as he watched the red parts on the diagram disappear. "Got it," Logan exclaimed, the red parts now gone from the diagram.

"Run Logan, you have seconds to move. Deal with the fire later," Virgil urged but it was too late. The black hole had now engulfed the back quarter of the ship, there was no getting out now. "Logan use the thrusters, full speed ahead. You can still try!" Virgil's resolve was breaking and he was beginning to panic. He could barely hear the thrusters through Logan's earpiece, the he heard him curse again. "It is not going to work Virgil. I am already halfway through," Logan said, defeated. "I love you Virgil and I hope you can live on without me." Virgil could hear his choked up voice. "I love you too. I will never forget you," Virgil said, his voice thick with unshed tears, hearing static through the his receiver. He cursed loudly in anger, throwing some of his stuff before storming off and letting his tears fall. He was supposed to be gone for just 5 earth years.

Black hole auto corrected to 'black market' & that made me laugh
If you've watched 4x18 of The Flash, just try to tell me Iris is a good person
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