Chapter 8

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Isaac walks through the door, his mother holding his baby brother in a rocking chair.

"Dear God, mama. If you're going to smoke in here, at least put him in the room," he takes his baby brother from his mother and walks into the room, putting him into his crib.

He walks up to his mom, handing her a pack of cigerettes and a bag of crack.

"Last time I do this for you and I'm done. This has got to stop." Isaac throws the things into her lap. She gets up with sudden rage.

"You dare throw that shit at me like that! I'm your fuckin mother."

He puts his hand up, "I know, mama. Want something to drink?"

He walks to the kitchen, and opens up the fridge, which smelled of spoiled food.

"I'm gone for a week, and this is what happens. Did you even feed Owen?" He pulls his sleeves up, throwing the food out the fridge.

"You think you can go back to your grandmother's again?" His mom sparks up a cigerette, as she walks toward him.

"I just got back from there." Isaac stops cleaning up, and stand up in front of his mother. She leans by the fridge door, and blows smoke into his face.

"Reigns coming tonight. He stays here now, and you know he hates it when you're here."

Isaacs mother remarried to his step dad, Reign.

"Yah, lucky Owen to have you two as his parents. Even if you don't feed him or bathe him, He's got a place to stay, huh?"

She smirks at him, "What did you say, you mut?" She grabs him by the collar.

"All I'm saying is, I'm still your son, regardless of who you're with."

She takes her cigerrette and puts the end into Isaacs shoulder, burning his skin.

"Fuck!" He screams in agony. His mother opens the door for him, and throws his backpack outside. She picks up the jacket Isaacs dad had given him, the one he always wore and throws it out at him.

"Come back with more of these." She shakes the bag of crack in front of his face before shutting the door aggressively on him.

Survival Of The Fittest/By Taran Where stories live. Discover now