Chapter 24

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I made this fun little trailer for my book. It took a long time for me to do.

I've decided to add the book trailer in this chapter and in Chapter 1 :) I may remove it off Insta, so it'll be here! Enjoy! (Insta: Taran_Writes)

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He did not take his eyes off me. Not even for a second. Blinking seemed impossible for Isaac right now. In my monstrous mind, focussing on him helped the thought of murdering disappear. It eased my mind. This body was still. This mind fought for me. My mind fought for me. Though the mind had betrayed those I've lost.

Proud of myself for not caving in and having control over something larger than us. After all, lots of things are greater than us. We are but a speck of dust in this ginormous universe. Look up at the stars and you're merely one of them.

Because while some of us don't have family or love, we do have the stars to tell us stories at night about being free. The ocean whispers to us about the waves we ride; on a high, crashing down to the shore and then back on a high. The ocean understands the struggle of life which creates who we are. The birds in the morning sing away our loneliness when we first wake up. We are important but we're also specks of dust wandering the planet, simply living life.

I often imagine what's beyond this planet. To know there's more, yet to discover. It makes you feel small, but in a way that you feel lucky to be a part of it. We're all different, yet we're the same.

Isaac noticed me staring. I could tell by the curve in his lips forming a small smile. But I couldn't stop, and I didn't want to. My mind felt still, looking at him and wondering about what more is there? Because just like the universe, there was so much more to discover about him.

He took the gun to place it onto the nightstand that belonged to Aria. Not looking away from Isaac, I spot one of the guards making their way to check my temperature. And when they made their way out the door, I knew I was okay.

Immune, just like they had told me. To fight something this huge felt powerful. A smile sparks upon my lips, and his smile widens. Never have I seen him smile at me like that and I felt this may be the only time I'd see it. At least for a long while.

"Thank god," he whispered under his breath. He squinted his eyes, unsure whether I was okay or not. I was more than okay. Something terrible had passed and after hours of struggling with chaos, it was calming like the eerie calm after a hurricane. It was an unusual yet reassuring feeling.

"I think I'm okay now," my voice comes out in a slow whisper. He had stayed up, staring at me, making sure no one did shit to me and making sure I was okay and didn't do shit to anyone else. For hours. It was weird to think but I don't think anyone's ever done that for me. Not that I had given him a chance not to.

Survival Of The Fittest/By Taran Where stories live. Discover now