Chapter 14

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I wake up to Finn getting out of bed, accidentally knocking down my glass of water. He turns back to see if he woke me up. I give him a smile and grab his hand, pulling him down and close to me.

"I am sorry for waking you up," he whispers, kissing my lips. I run my hands through his curly dark hair, our eyes closed, kissing again.

"I got to get ready for duty," He says pulling away from me. He gets up to go to the bathroom. I lay in the covers, reaching down for my bra from beneath his bed. I sit down strapping it back on. I look out the window, still on his bed.

I see so many people already gathered around outside back to their jobs this early in the morning. I see children with backpacks going into a building that had a rusty sign saying school on it. Until, I get startled by a loud banging on the front door downstairs.

Finn instantly comes outside the bathroom, already in his uniform, racing downstairs. I pull on my shirt and follow.

"They took him! I need to talk to Millie, please. You need to understand." Finn moves away from the door as I get down from the last stair-step. My face overcomes with worry. Julie stands in front of us, holding out Carter's jacket and bag.

"What's wrong?" I look around and pull her inside.

"They took Carter, Mill. You need to go find him. I don't know. When he woke up from a nightmare, I went into the kitchen to grab him some water and a snack and before I got back to him, he was gone. His backpack and jacket were found outside the door." Julie looks at Finn, regretting saying all that in front of him.

"They must have taken him to the hospital," Finn says grabbing the house keys and gives me a nod.

"We will find him." I take Julie's hand and reassure her.

We walk beside Finn, quickly to the hospital.

"Did you see how they looked?" Finn asks avoiding eye contact with her and me.

"People that wore same as you. I came outside for him and I saw them pick him up. I tried to find you, Millie. But I couldn't." Julie's hands were shaking, but I grabbed them and give her a short smile.

I open the hospital door, where the lady at the admission desk, stood up, glaring at us with wild eyes, "What's happening, Finn?" She walks to him and asks. She stood in front of the elevator not letting us get in.

"Move away, Sherry." Finn orders, pushing her onto the floor and opens up the elevator doors. He holds onto the door until Julie and I get in.

We arrive at the third floor, after searching for Carter on floor one and two. We hear crying coming from the room, I was tested in and I run, leaving Finn and Julie way behind. I bust the door open, "Carter!"

I race toward his bed where the nurses held onto him, as he struggled. The guards grab onto me, holding me away from his bed. Doctor Brown stands beside Carter, monitoring his heart rate, which confused her.

"You leave him alone!" I yelled. Finn and Julie rush into the room too. Julie walks over to Carter, trying to free him from the nurse. However, one of the guards got her too.

Doctor Brown walks up to me, with the same file and pen she was holding onto when she was testing me, "I didn't think I'd meet you again, Millie Jones." She grins.

I kick one of guards on the leg and punch the other one in the face with my free hand. I walk up to Brown and shove her that she hits the wall in full force, "What are you doing to him?!" My voice fierce and demanding. I was boiling. I was ready to knock the shit out of all of them.

"He's sick." She says, fixing her lab coat, going back to examine Carter. The guards punch my stomach as they grab onto me again. I look at Finn, for him to help us, but he stood there not knowing what to do and I ignored him.

Survival Of The Fittest/By Taran Where stories live. Discover now