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The film lasted for about two hours, but it seemed like a lifetime.

Luke and Calum knew every line to every scene and recited each part.

I didn't really talk much, I just laughed at the parts that were quite hilarious.

You may think this movie if for four year olds but I really enjoyed it.

About halfway through the twenty second hour of the day my mum called to check up on me.

She was just making sure I was okay and wondering what time I'd be home at.

"Thanks for everything guys but I have to leave now" I told them while they all made disappointing sighs.

"You really have to go?" Ashton pouted.

I really like Ashton's personality. He's bubbly and isn't afraid to start a conversation.

"Yeah, mum is wondering where I am" I told him.

I got up and thanked the boys again for inviting me over.

"Hey Willow! Do you want one of us to walk to home?" Michael asked me.

"No I should be okay, it's not that far. My dad was going to pick me up but he got called into work." I replied.

"I'm sure Luke wouldn't mind walking you home" Calum butted in.

Luke nudged Calum and whispered something in his ear that I couldn't quite catch. Calum just laughed while Luke looked annoyed. He was blushing slightly. I didn't take any notice of it. He seemed quite shy and probably didn't know how to keep up a conversation with me.

"Oh great! See you in a while then Luke, I'll talk to you soon willow!" Michael said giving me a goodbye hug.

Luke and I stepped out the door and began to walk.

"So..." Luke began.

I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow waiting for him to continue.

"What school do you go to?" He finished.

"I get homeschooled. I was at St. Mills but I left after year 8" I told him.

"Oh, why did you leave?" Luke asked furrowing his eyebrows.

I didn't want to just jump in and tell him 'Oh I have leukaemia and could die any minute, that's why I left and began to get homeschooled', but I figured he was going to find out at some stage so why not sooner than later?

"I got sick and couldn't go to public school anymore" I said, not going into full details.

"Oh, are you okay now?" He asked looking down at me.

This boy must of been at least halfway through six foot. I was tall but he was massive.

"Yeah, I guess so"

I wasn't okay. I still had cancer running through my blood system which could decide to spread throughout my body any day.

Leukaemia starts in bone marrow and bone marrow helps make blood so basically it is a blood cancer. It is more often found in adults but I guess I was one of the unlucky children with it.

When I was 12 I was applied to get a bone marrow transplant but because I have 'rare genes' nobody could quite match my cells.

Anyway moving on from my cancer and looking at the more important aspects of life, it was getting dark and chilly.

"You cold?" Luke asked looking down again, biting his lip.

This boy was goddamn gorgeous.

"Kind of, you?" I asked again.

"A little I guess" he said looking at the sky.

"At least it's fine, no clouds equals no rain" he chuckled.

I laughed lightly at his point. It was cute.

I shivered at how cold it was. The breeze had blown in and since its June now, winter is making its way to Australia.

"Here" Luke said placing his black hoodie over my shoulders.

"No, you'll be freezing you only have a shirt!" I said giving him back his hoodie.

He wasn't taking it. He put his hoodie back over his shoulders and told me that he wasn't letting me freeze.

Just as well it was dark because if we were in daylight my blushing would be noticeable from America.

"So, what do you like to do with your spare time?" Luke asked me. I could tell his was trying to keep up a conversation. It must of been difficult since we are both quite awkward.

"I like to play piano, listen to music, read, bake cookies, even though they burn most of the time"

He laughed, putting his hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans.

"What kind of music are you into?" He asked, once again.

"I like Ed Sheeran, Mayday Parade and Lorde" I told him.

"Sounds like you have a good music taste. At least now I know we will get on well!" Luke said.

"Do you not get on well with people who have bad taste in music?"

I looked up at him. It looked like he was in deep thought. He looked beautiful.

"I don't believe in people having bad taste in music really, everyone has a different opinion and taste in everything. I suppose I just get on better with people who like the same music as me. I love music so much that I talk about most of the time. Helps keep sparks in a conversation" he explained.

I smiled at his words. He seemed kind and like he accepted people if they were nice to him. Treat others like you want to be treated. That little motto slightly reminded me of him. It's good to see someone respecting others opinions. It doesn't happen that much these days. People are so judgmental.

"Well, this is home for me!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you so much for walking me home, I enjoyed talking to you!" I thanked him.

"It's okay, anytime. I really liked talking to you too!" He said with bright eyes.

"Oh your hoodie!" I said while taking it off.

"Don't worry about you can give it back next time, you still have a driveway to walk through"

Next time? He wanted to see me again?

I laughed and thanked him again. We said goodbye and I stretched my feet up my driveway to reach my front door.

I really want to spend time with that bunch again. I liked them.

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