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I woke up to sunshine streaming through my linen curtains hung above my bedroom window.

I reached across to my locker which was where my phone was sitting. I checked the time.


Ew. I should still be asleep. It's too early to wake up.

I unlocked my phone to find that I had three messages.

'Amelia - Mexico is amazing! I bought you and Nath some gifts today! There's also this boy that I have to tell you about! Ring me when you have the chance! A. '

Amelia always had a boyfriend. She literally broke up with one boy and less than an hour later she was with another boy. Like seriously? My life doesn't roll like that.

'Nathan - Hey Willow! I'm hanging out with Ashton and Calum for a while today, michaels with Aoife! Maybe you and Luke could do something? ;)'

Nathan seriously thinks that me and Luke have a 'spark'. Whatever that's supposed to mean. I doubt that this so called 'spark' is real. We're just friends.

'Ashton - Hey, I'm hanging out with Cal and Nathan today, Michael and Aoife are going to the zoo, Luke's alone :/ ;)'

Please don't tell me Ashton believes in this 'spark' as well as Nathan. Nathan probably brought Ashton to believe its real.

Luke and I are friends. Yes, I think I may like him as more than a friend, but he doesn't see me as anything but a friend. Why should I waste my time crushing on him when it's never going to go anywhere?

I got up and showered. I got dressed into jeans, a light red jumper and my black docs. I basically live in my black docs in winter. Best. Shoes. Ever.

My mum and dad were working as per usual. Emily was surprisingly awake. She's the laziest in the family. If she could stay in bed asleep all day, she would.

"Emily! You're up before 10:00?! This is a miracle!" I exclaimed.

"We'll 5 seconds of summer are on tv so I had to get up to watch it!" She said excitedly.

"Was this pre-recorded?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, they have a day off today" she said, focused on the tv.

"I still can't believe your friends with them! Like can you invite them over some time or something?" Emily whined.

"Yeah, Nathan is hanging out with Calum and Ashton today." I told her.

"Really?! What's Luke and Michael doing?" She practically shouted.

"Michael is going to the zoo with Aoife and Luke isn't doing anything" I shouldn't of told her they were going to the zoo, she could tweet about it on a crazed fan page or something.

"Awh! Why don't you hang out with Luke?" She asked.

"No" I replied blushing.

"Why are you blushing?" She asked, winking and nudging me.

"I'm not blushing" I argued.

"Yes you are! You like Luke don't you!?" She asked, shouting.

"No" I shook my head.

"Willow! You do! You can tell me, you know that I'm mentally married to Ashton! We have nothing to hide!"

I laughed at her marriage remark. She seriously thought she was married with him. Oh, the way a fan girls mind works.

"Okay, Luke is nice" I admitted.

"Nice?" She said bluntly, raising her eyebrow.

I nodded.

"That's all you think of him as. 'Nice'" she said.

"Yeah, well he is nice" I told her.

"Yeah but do you fancy him?" She asked like a little thirteen year old. Oh wait, she is a little thirteen year old.

I paused for a few seconds before answering.

"Yeah" I breathed out.

She squealed.

Oh god, she will never leave this go now. I shouldn't of told her.

"Why don't you ask him to hang out today?!" She asked.

"Ehm, well he did say we should hang out sometime. Maybe we could go out for a while and maybe ask him to tag along?" I suggested.

"Yeah, but I'd freak out and then he'd think I was really weird." She said unhappily.

"Yeah but you're really tall and you look at least 16 so you'll pass as my 'one year younger sister who is not in love with Luke and his three other band mates'?" I shrugged.

"No, no. You go and ask him to hang out, I'll stay here. I don't want to ruin your chances with him" she said sounding quite mature.

"So you're telling me that you're turning down spending a day with Luke Hemmings just so your older sister can hang out with him alone?"

"Yeah" Emily said.

I smiled at her. She was so cute. I sound like a grandmother or something now, calling my thirteen year grandchild cute. But I was actually calling her cute for letting me spend time with Luke alone. Well not alone like that but alone like- oh look you know what I mean!

I thanked Emily and left to get some breakfast and message Luke.

'Hey Luke, wanna hang out for a while today?'

I messaged.

He replied almost immediately.

'Sure! I was actually going to ask you, but you got there first hahaha! What time suits you? :-)'

I smiled at his cute message.

'About one?'

I asked over message.

'Great! I'll pick you up then and we can go to town or whatever :-)'


'Great! See you then : )'

I messaged back, then locking my phone and placing it on the counter top.

Today is going to be fun.

** terrible chapter, but I wanted to update so here you go^^^

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