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The meal was absolutely lovely, we all enjoyed it.

"Come on Willow! Tell us now!" Nathan said eager to know my news.

"Okay, okay" I began.

I was quite nervous to tell them even though it was good news.

"I had a meeting with my doctor today and I found out amazing news. The cancer is gone! I still have to go and get check ups every few weeks or whatever but other than that I'm free of cancer and free to do whatever I want!" I cheered.

"Oh my god that's great!" Ashton and Calum said in unison.

"Willow! This is amazing news!" Nathan said while Amelia and himself got up to hug me.

"I'm so happy to hear that Willow! The treatment paid off!" Aoife said while hugging followed by a hug from Michael.

"This is amazing Willow, I'm so glad you're okay" Luke said while hugging me tightly.

He didn't say it in a happy tone like everyone else, he said it as if he was relieved.

"I'm so glad I'm okay too!" I cheered while Luke kissed my cheek.

We all made our way out of the restaurant.

"Why don't we go to my place and celebrate since its Luke's birthday and Willow got amazing news?" Calum asked.

Everyone agreed and we made our way back to Calum's house.


"Luke?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah?" Luke answered.

"Should we all give you your presents now?" Ashton asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I don't mind" Luke answered.

We all got our gifts for Luke and sat back down.

Michael and Aoife handed their gift to Luke first.

Luke ripped open the wrapping paper to reveal several band shirts and an iTunes voucher.

"Awh, thanks so much Michael, thanks Aoife!" Luke said while smiley widely.

Nathan and Amelia then handed their gift to Luke.

It was a small penguin teddy along with a new case for his iPhone with a mayday parade quote on it.

"Thanks guys!" Luke chuckled.

Ashton handed his wry large gift bag to Luke.

Luke opened it and took out a book about Kurt Cobain, an All Time Low shirt, another iTunes voucher and several different boxes of American sweets.

"Thanks Ashton!" Luke smiled.

Calum handed Luke his present which was just a card. Luke opened the card and found two tickets for a festival coming up soon in Sydney. There was many of Luke's favourite artists at this festival.

"Woah Calum! Thanks man, I suppose you want one of these tickets?" Luke asked while smiling sheepishly.

"Nah, you can take whoever you want" Calum winked.

What did that mean?

Last but not least I handed my gift to Luke. I didn't have much time to get him anything so I just got him a cinema voucher and a man perfume.

"Thanks Willow!" Luke said while giving me a hug.

I wasn't really expecting the hug but I gladly accepted it.

"Hey! I never got a hug!" Ashton pouted.

"Yeah, but Willow is special to Luke!" Calum said while wiggling his eyebrows.

Luke just blushed and looked down.

"Okay, who wants a drink? I'm going to go get some!" Luke said changing the subject.

Everyone asked for a drink.

"Here, I'll help you!" I said to Luke while following him to the kitchen.

We got the drinks ready.

"What Calum said is true" Luke said while looking down.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You are special to me" Luke blushed.

"You're special to me too Luke" I told him.

He looked into my eyes.

"I know you said that you weren't ready for a relationship and that but now that you have the stress of the treatment of your back, what would you say to going on a date with me?" He asked, nervously fumbling with his hands.

"I would say yes." I smiled.

"Really?!" He asked as if he was shocked.

"Yes, really" I chuckled.

He chuckled with me and then hugged me tightly.

I pulled away after a few seconds. We looked into each others eyes and I soon felt the taste of his familiar lips. I heard the door open but I couldn't care less. Calum and Michael were whistling at the door while the rest awwh'd from the living room.

I was happy.


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