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"Look, Willow, it is your decision. If you'd like to undergo the stronger treatment, we will support you. If you want to stay as you are, you can and we will support you one hundred percent too!" My mum spoke to me.

I nodded my head in response.

If I decide to get the better treatment I will not be able to live my life to the best ability but if I do decide to get it the cancer will hopefully be gone quicker and I will have years and years to live my life to the best ability.

"I think I'm going to go for it. What have I got to lose?" I said, directing it to my parents.

"Are you sure, darling?" My father asked.



We all sat around in Ashton's living room doing nothing. When I say all I mean Ashton, Luke, Calum, Michael, Nathan, Aoife and myself.

We were hanging out cos I was going to be in hospital for the next week or even more. I started my new radiotherapy tomorrow morning and I had to go to the hospital tonight to make sure I was able to undergo the treatment. I had to fast for twenty four hours before, so I haven't ate since eleven this morning.

We talked about everything and anything. Nathan told us some very odd facts on monkeys while Aoife didn't stop talking about giraffes. They were so odd, that's why I loved them.

The boys told us about how they were super excited about the album release. They did a few interviews about it already and they had to do a few more soon. They had planned a live stream for their fans on July 1st at 9pm(GMT) to celebrate the release of their album. (True chiz)

They lied their fans so much. They were extremely grateful for the fans. If it wasn't for them they would still be in Ashton's garage doing blink-182 covers everyday.

My phone buzzed and I unlocked it to find a message from my mum.

'Willow, you'd want to start coming home in the next hour or so, we need to pack.. x'

I replied telling her I would be home soon.

"Guys, I have to start heading. I still have to pack and all" I told them.

"Awh, Willow. I wish you the best, hope everything goes well!" Michael said while hugging me.

"Thanks Michael"

Ashton didn't say anything he just embraced me in the biggest hug ever.

I knew what he was mentally saying. The hug was enough for me.

"Willow! You'll be fine, you're a strong one!" Calum said trying to sound positive.

I chuckled slightly at his comment.

He hugged me while I thanked him.

"Best of look Willow! I'll text you later on" Nathan said while hugging me and placing a small kiss on my forehead.

He always texted me before I went for treatment. He cared so much for me and would protect me from anything. He was like an older brother to me, even though I was three hours older than him.

"Can I drive you home?" Luke asked.

I nodded at him and smiled. The rest of the boys and aoife smiled at us. Did they know something I didn't know?

I said goodbye to everyone after Aoife had said good luck to me and made my way to Luke's car.

He ran in front of me and opened the door before I could.

"Why, thank you" I said to him while laughing at his cuteness.

"My pleasure" he replied.

He made his way to the drivers side and got in the car. He started the engine and we set off.


"So, here we are Willow" Luke exclaimed while he parked outside my driveway.

"Thanks Luke"

"No problem" he smiled.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" He asked me, sounding like he really cared.

"Honestly, I'm scared. Really scared. I haven't gotten such intense treatment before and I don't want to be sick after it and not be able to see any of my friends or family" I admitted.

"Willow" Luke began while taking my hand. I was shocked at first but soon got used to his touch.

"It will be okay. Like Calum said, you're strong. You'll be fine, just have hope okay! This is just a section of you're life and it will hopefully blow over after this treatment. Fingers crossed this will make you better and you can live life to the fullest. Everyone is praying for you Willow, we all believe you can do it"

I nodded at him smiling. His words helped me. I just have to have hope. I'm strong. Just believe.

"Thanks Luke"

I stated into his ocean blue eyes. They were beautiful. You could get lost in them. There was so many different shades of blue mixed together to make this one amazing shade of blue.

He stared into my eyes as well, smiling.

This should of been awkward but it wasn't.

His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips.

No, no, no.

This can't be happening. Luke Hemmings does not want to kiss me. This is not real life.

I played along and looked from his eyes to his lips.

He began leaning in and he didn't take his eyes off of my lips.

"Willow?" He asked.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Do I have permission to kiss you?" He chucked.

I nodded to him, implying that he had permission to kiss me.

He finally closed the space between us and ours lips touched.

My stomach felt like a thousand fireworks taking flight. Sparks flying around the sky while the stars exploded.

This felt good. I liked it.

We kissed for about ten seconds before we both pulled away.

"Willow, I really like you. Not as a friend but you know.. more than a friend" Luke said shyly.

"Well, you're lucky I like you too Luke" I chuckled.

He smiled.

"Well, can I take you on a proper date when your out of hospital and when you're well?" He asked.

"Of course you can" I smiled.

He wished me look and walked me to my front door.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my head.

"Bye, Willow." He said letting go of me.

"Bye, Luke. Thank you"

He nodded and turned to leave.

"Hey, ring me tomorrow, yeah?" He said.

"Yeah" I laughed.

I opened my front door and stepped in.

Did that just happen?

** they kissed c:

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